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通过AJAX使用JQuery获取HTML id

[英]Get HTML id with JQuery through AJAX

I'm stuck..I have made a system which gets all colleges from a specific subject, and I want javascript to select the college the user has selected when he clicks on one so the presence of that class can be shown, just a summary: the user selects a subject, an AJAX request gets all colleges from that subject and another AJAX request has to get that specific college and use it to display the data. 我被困了..我已经建立了一个系统,可以从特定主题中获取所有大学,我希望javascript选择用户在点击一个大学时选择的大学,这样就可以显示该类的存在,只是一个摘要:用户选择一个主题,一个AJAX请求获取该主题的所有大学,另一个AJAX请求必须获得该特定大学并使用它来显示数据。

This specific function gets the data from the subjects and displays them in a div with the id 'colleges' 此特定函数从主题中获取数据并将其显示在ID为“学院”的div中

function showAanwezigheid(str) {
    if (str == "") {
        document.getElementById("colleges").innerHTML = "";
    } else { 
        if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
            // code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
            xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
        } else {
            // code for IE6, IE5
            xmlhttp = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
        xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
                document.getElementById("colleges").innerHTML = this.responseText;

Here is the controller which calls the query and displays the result: 这是调用查询并显示结果的控制器:

$vak = $_GET['vak'];
$colleges = $q->getColleges($vak); 
echo "<select id='college'>";
echo "<option>Selecteer een college:</option>";
foreach($colleges as $college){
echo "<option value='".$college->getCollege()."'>College ".$college->getCollege()."</option>";
echo "</select>";

This is the id where the result is being displayed 这是显示结果的id

<span id="colleges"></span>

And this function should select the 'select' tag with the id 'college' to get that value on change 此函数应选择id为'college'的'select'标记,以便在更改时获得该值

    $('#vak').on('change', function() {
    var vak = this.value;
    $('#college').on('change', function() {
       var college = this.value;

I feel like there would be such an easy fix but I just can't seen to make it work... 我觉得会有这样一个简单的修复,但我只是看不到让它工作......

Change jQuery code like below:- 更改jQuery代码如下: -

$(document).on('change','#vak',function() {
    var vak = $(this).val();
$(document).on('change','#college',function() {
    var college = $(this).val();

Note:- Make sure that jQuery library added before your script code. 注意: - 确保在脚本代码之前添加了jQuery库。 Otherwise you will get $ is undefined error 否则你将得到$ is undefined error

This is called Event Delegation 这称为事件委派

IF you want to get the value of the #college select on change then this would be simpler: 如果你想在变化时获得#college select的值,那么这将更简单:

    $('#vak').on('change', function() {
        var vak = $(this).val();

    $('#college').on('change', function() {
       var college = $(this).val();

IF you noticed, The onchange of the #vak and the #college is separated 如果你注意到, #vak#collegeonchange是分开的

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