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[英]Change uuid in dsym file

I've been trying to change uuid of generated dsym file so that crashlytics can match up crash logs with the dsym . 我一直在尝试更改生成的dsym文件的uuid ,以便crashlytics可以将崩溃日志与dsym

Do you know of any way to do it? 你知道怎么办吗?

For more context: 更多背景信息:

  • Script uploading the dsym during build failed and I did not notice. 在构建期间上载dsym的脚本失败,我没有注意到。
  • Bitcode is disabled, therefore there isn't dsym file in itunes connect. Bitcode被禁用,因此itunes connect中没有dsym文件。
  • I am able to build project from exactly the same source code, so symbolicating crash log from the dsym should work 我能够从完全相同的源代码构建项目,因此从dsym崩溃日志应该有效
  • I am still trying to get crash logs from crashlytics but their UI doesn't support it therefore I reached out to their support and then I should be able to symbolicate it locally. 我仍然试图从崩解剂中获取崩溃日志但是他们的UI不支持它因此我伸出了他们的支持然后我应该能够在本地进行符号化。

If you have exact same source code and compiler version, you can build it again and replace new uuid. 如果你有完全相同的源代码和编译器版本,你可以再次构建它并替换新的uuid。

To achieve this run dwarfdump -u <yourapp>.dSYM to view new uuid. 要实现此目的,请运行dwarfdump -u <yourapp>.dSYM来查看新的uuid。 Then open <yourapp>.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/<yourapp> with hex editor, locate new uuid and replace with one you needed. 然后使用十六进制编辑器打开<yourapp>.dSYM/Contents/Resources/DWARF/<yourapp> ,找到新的uuid并替换为您需要的。

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