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[英]SQL query over period of time

I have a table in MySQL with some data of a temperature sensor. 我在MySQL中有一个表,其中包含一些温度传感器数据。 I have 1 row per minute. 我每分钟有1排。 I would like to perform a query to know whether there was any span of 1 hour where the average temperature was greater than 4 degrees. 我想执行查询以了解是否有1小时的跨度,其中平均温度大于4度。 I know how to perform a query where a single row was above 4: 我知道如何执行单行高于4的查询:

SELECT * FROM sensor WHERE t>4

But in my case, I want to know whether there was a 1 hour period where the average temperature was over 4, not only a single row. 但在我的情况下,我想知道是否存在1小时的平均温度超过4的时间段,而不仅仅是一排。

Not sure how to write such query... 不知道怎么写这样的查询......

One method is: 一种方法是:

select s.*
from sensor s
where t > 4 and
      not exists (select 1
                  from sensor s2
                  where s2.datetime >= s.datetime and
                        s2.datetime < s.datetime + interval 1 hour and
                        s2.t <= 4

EDIT: 编辑:

Arggh. Arggh。 The question asks about the average temperature, not any temperature (the question is quite clear, I just misread it). 问题是关于平均温度,而不是任何温度(问题很清楚,我只是误读了它)。

Here is a variation to handle that: 以下是处理该问题的变体:

select s.*,
       (select avg(s2.t)
        from sensor s2
        where s2.datetime >= s.datetime and
              s2.datetime < s.datetime + interval 1 hour 
       ) as avg_t
from t
having avg_t > 4;

This uses an extension to MySQL where the having clause can make use of a column alias for filtering. 这使用MySQL的扩展,其中having子句可以使用列别名进行过滤。

Another method is: 另一种方法是:

    AVG(`t`) AS `avg_t`, 
    DATE_FORMAT(`date`, '%Y-%m-%d %H') AS `date_and_hour`
FROM `sensor`
GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(`date`, '%Y-%m-%d %H')
HAVING `avg_t` > 4;
FROM sensor

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