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[英]Why does `g_array_append_val` segfault when the element size is bigger than the actual value size?

My program segfaulted in a code that looks like the following: 我的程序出现以下代码段错误:

user_t user;
users = g_array_sized_new(FALSE, TRUE, sizeof(*user), nb_results);
g_array_append_val(users, user);

At line 3, instead of adding user by value I add it by pointer. 在第3行,不是通过值添加用户,而是通过指针添加了它。 This will segfault sometime. 这将在某些时候出现段错误。 The correct does initialize the GArray to host pointers: 正确的GArray是将GArray初始化为托管指针:

users = g_array_sized_new(FALSE, TRUE, sizeof(user_t *), nb_results);
g_array_append_val(users, user);

I don't understand why the first version of this code does segfault since sizeof(*user) is bigger than sizeof(user_t *) . 我不明白为什么此代码的第一个版本会进行段错误,因为sizeof(*user)大于sizeof(user_t *)

For simplicity's sake, lets say that sizeof *user is six bytes, and a pointer is four bytes. 为了简单起见,可以说sizeof *user是六个字节,而指针是四个字节。 That means an array of two users have 12 bytes, enough space for three pointers. 这意味着两个用户组成的数组有12个字节,足够用于三个指针的空间。 But when you get an element from that array it will get a six-byte element, which will contain one and a half pointer. 但是,当您从该数组中获取一个元素时,它将获得一个六字节的元素,其中将包含一个半指针。

When you try to store this value into a pointer, you will get half of the first pointer and half of the other pointer. 当您尝试将此值存储到指针中时,将获得第一个指针的一半和其他指针的一半。 That will not be valid and when you dereference it you will get undefined behavior . 那将是无效的,并且当您取消引用它时,将得到未定义的行为

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