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Sqlalchemy:template_id和部门之间多对多关系的关联表。 如何删除关系?

[英]Sqlalchemy : association table for many-to-many relationship between template_id and department. How can I delete a relationship?

Department = models.department.Department

association_table = Table('template_department', models.base.Base.instance().get_base().metadata,
                      Column('template_id', Integer, ForeignKey('templates.id')),
                      Column('department_id', Integer, ForeignKey('departments.id')))

class Template(models.base.Base.instance().get_base()):

    __tablename__ = 'templates'

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    tid = Column(String(7), unique=True)

    departments = relationship('Department', secondary=association_table)

I'm trying to delete the relation between many template_id and department but I can't really come up with a query that does it. 我正在尝试删除许多template_id和department之间的关系,但是我真的无法提出一个可以做到这一点的查询。 Any way to do this using Sqlalchemy? 使用Sqlalchemy可以做到这一点吗?

In MySQL you can use row constructors and the IN-operator to remove rows from association_table that match the pairs. 在MySQL中,您可以使用行构造函数IN运算符association_table中删除匹配该对的行。 For example if you had list of template_id, department_id pairs such as: 例如,如果您有template_id,department_id对的列表,例如:

to_remove = [(1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), ...]

then you could 那你可以

from sqlalchemy import tuple_

stmt = association_table.delete().\


Note that this bypasses normal ORM book keeping, so instances that exist in your session may now contain stale data. 请注意,这会绕过常规的ORM簿记,因此会话中存在的实例现在可能包含陈旧数据。 If you intend to commit right away and reload data if needed, this is not a problem. 如果您打算立即提交并在需要时重新加载数据,这不是问题。

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