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[英]What is peer,node and peer node start in hyper ledger v0.6?

What is peer and node in hyper ledger and also what peer node start will do? 超级账本中的对等点和节点是什么,以及对等节点开始会做什么? what is the meaning of peer and node and how it can use in hyperledger 对等点和节点的含义是什么,以及它如何在超账本中使用

unless you have a business requirement to pursue the v0.6 architecture, you should definitely pivot to v1.0 and the current stack. 除非您有追求v0.6架构的业务需求,否则您绝对应该转向v1.0和当前的堆栈。

To answer your question, there are two important entities to consider in a Fabric network (there are many components in the network, but we'll stick with two for now). 为了回答您的问题,Fabric网络中有两个重要的实体要考虑(网络中有很多组件,但现在我们将坚持使用两个)。 You have peers and orderers. 您有同行和订购者。 We tend to use the term peer and peer node interchangeably; 我们倾向于交替使用术语对等节点和对等节点。 they are the same thing. 他们是一样的东西。 You may also come across orderer and orderer node; 您可能还会遇到订购者和订购者节点; again they are the same thing. 同样,他们是同一回事。

All peer nodes in Fabric v1.0 architecture are validating and committing peers (ie they maintain a ledger and run validation checks against blocks of transactions before appending to their ledger and updating world state). Fabric v1.0体系结构中的所有对等节点都在验证和提交对等节点(即,它们维护一个分类帐并在附加到其分类帐和更新世界状态之前针对事务块运行验证检查)。 Ordering nodes do what you expect they might - play a central role in the ordering of transactions. 订购节点可以满足您的期望-在交易的订购中起着核心作用。 We don't need to delve into the specific role of orderers, but as a quick synopsis: responsible for accepting broadcasts of incoming transactions and responsible for delivering blocks of transactions to peers on a channel; 我们不需要深入研究订购者的特定角色,而是作为一个简短的概述:负责接受传入交易的广播,并负责将交易块交付给渠道上的对等方; with a kafka implementation, the ordering node(s) will actually relay the txs to the appropriate partition in the kafka cluster. 使用kafka实现时,排序节点实际上会将tx中继到kafka集群中的适当分区。 Ok enough on that. 好吧。

Peer node start is simply the command to launch a peer container. 对等节点启动只是启动对等容器的命令。 If you inspect a docker-compose file, you'll notice there is a command variable where peer node start is passed. 如果检查docker-compose文件,您会注意到存在一个传递peer node start的命令变量。

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