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[英]SSL Certificate IIS

I have researched a lot before posting this question. 发布此问题之前,我已经进行了很多研究。 I have a website that runs on HTTP . 我有一个在HTTP上运行的网站。 We are currently using ASP.NET webforms. 我们目前正在使用ASP.NET网络表单。 My boss wants to update the payment gateway to use Stripe. 我的老板想更新支付网关以使用Stripe。 Stripe wants the payments page to be running on HTTPS rather than HTTP. Stripe希望付款页面在HTTPS而不是HTTP上运行。 So I want to make my website HTTPS . 所以我想将我的网站设置为HTTPS

There are a lot of articles out there to make your website https with your own self signed certificate. 有很多文章可以使您的网站带有您自己的自签名证书https。 However, I couldn't find relevant Microsoft docs for doing the same thing in a live production environment. 但是,我找不到在实时生产环境中执行相同操作的相关Microsoft文档。

My question is how would I do that in a production environment where you do not have ISS control? 我的问题是,在没有ISS控制的生产环境中,我该怎么做? . I understand that I will have to buy an SSL certificate from a verification authority. 我了解我将必须向验证机构购买SSL证书。 Currently I am using FTP to replace the bin files and the modified files to make changes to the website. 目前,我正在使用FTP替换bin文件和修改后的文件以对网站进行更改。

I was wondering if there are any C#,ASP.NET veterans out there who can guide me in the right direction. 我想知道是否有C#,ASP.NET的资深人士可以指导我正确的方向。

To run a web site with a certificate, which is a requirement to use HTTPS, you must be able to use IIS administrator to install the certificate on the web server and bind it to the web site on port 443. You could maybe possibly get it done without IIS admin by using PowerShell, but the user account running PowerShell would need the same permissions as if you did it with IIS admin. 若要使用证书运行网站,这是使用HTTPS的要求,您必须能够使用IIS管理员在网站服务器上安装证书并将其绑定到端口443上的网站。您可能可以获取它通过使用PowerShell在没有IIS管理员的情况下完成此操作,但是运行PowerShell的用户帐户将需要与使用IIS admin一样的权限。

Bottom line-- if you do not have any access to IIS admin at all, it is not possible to complete this task by yourself. 底线-如果您根本没有对IIS admin的任何访问权限,则无法独自完成此任务。

If your web site is hosted, you will need to approach the hosting service provider for instructions on how to request and install an SSL certificate for your web site. 如果您的网站是托管网站,则需要与托管服务提供商联系,以获取有关如何请求和安装网站SSL证书的说明。

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