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[英]Gitlab-ci-Runner- Stuck

I am new to this but I noticed that when I run a job and, let's say, there is an error or something went wrong and the job is stuck at “Running” state, when I cancel it and try to restart the job, nothing is happening. 我对此并不陌生,但是我注意到当我运行一个作业时,比如说有一个错误或出了什么问题,而该作业被卡在“正在运行”状态,当我取消它并尝试重新启动该作业时,什么也没有正在发生。 I am attaching you a picture and also the .gitlab-ci.yml file in order to see what I am doing. 我附上一张图片以及.gitlab-ci.yml文件,以查看我在做什么。 Please bear in mind that I just created a simple project in Angular 4 and I just trying to run the tests. 请记住,我只是在Angular 4中创建了一个简单的项目,而我只是尝试运行测试。

Here is the .gitlab-ci.yml code: 这是.gitlab-ci.yml代码:

image: node:4.2.2
- npm install
- test
stage: test
- node_modules/karma/bin/karma start karma.conf.js

And here is what is happening after I cancel the job and retry to run it again. 这是我取消作业并重试再次运行后发生的情况。 The runner is stuck: 跑步者被卡住:


My runner: 我的跑步者: 在此处输入图片说明


Can you provide more info about your Gitlab instance and connected runners? 您能否提供有关您的Gitlab实例和连接的运行器的更多信息? (Hosted, on-prem, dedicated runners, shared runners?) (托管,本地,专用跑步者,共享跑步者?)

Answer for as far as I can see: It looks like there is no runner available to run your jobs. 据我所知,答案是:看来没有人可以运行您的工作。

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