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如何将其他数据库中的表用于“通过” kohana ORM?

[英]How use table in other database for “through” kohana ORM?

Sorry for my english, I'm from Ukraine. 对不起,我的英语,我来自乌克兰。 I have next model 我有下一个模特

 class Model_Search extends ORM
        protected $_has_many = array(
           'mp3s'       => array(
                        'model' => 'Mp3',
                        'through' => 'searches_mp3s',


but table searches_mp3s in other database, for example 'db2'. 但是其他数据库(例如“ db2”)中的表searchs_mp3s。 How I can do relationship with through for my situation? 如何根据自己的情况与他人建立关系? Thank you 谢谢

In pure SQL this should be database.table.field . 在纯SQL中,应为database.table.field And you must have user-connection who allow read from both databases. 并且您必须具有允许从两个数据库读取的用户连接。

I don't know, that kohana understand database.table notation... You can try in your Model (ORM) class: 我不知道,kohana可以理解database.table表示法...您可以在Model(ORM)类中尝试:

class Model_Search extends ORM
    protected  $_table_name = 'db1.search';
    protected $_has_many = array(
       'mp3s'       => array(
                    'model' => 'Mp3',
                    'through' => 'db2.searches_mp3s',


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