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2sxc | 将第二个按实体过滤的下拉列表添加到模板应用

[英]2sxc | Add second filter by entity dropdown to template app

I am trying to add another filter to the FAQ Categories>Questions w/ Filter App and have bascially duplicated the working code for the first filter but it isn't working even though I have setup a second entity type just like the first filter. 我试图将另一个过滤器添加到FAQ类别>带过滤器应用程序的问题,并且基本上复制了第一个过滤器的工作代码,但是即使我像第一个过滤器一样设置了第二个实体类型,也无法正常工作。 See sample code below. 请参见下面的示例代码。

My cshtml code: 我的cshtml代码:

@using ToSic.SexyContent
    // variable which will contain the sorted categories
    IEnumerable<dynamic> sortedCategories;

    IEnumerable<dynamic> sortedTypes;

    // Prepare the data - get all categories through the pipeline
    public override void CustomizeData()
    // get all categories of these questions, then get the distinct entities
    // this could all be done on 1 line, but it would be harder for people who don't know LINQ yet
    var questionsInThisModule = AsDynamic(App.Data["CO-Filter"].List);
    var categoriesUsed = questionsInThisModule.SelectMany(q => ((List<DynamicEntity>)q.Categories));
    var distinctCategories = categoriesUsed.Select(AsEntity).Distinct();    // Distinct only works reliably when cast as entity
    sortedCategories = AsDynamic(distinctCategories).OrderBy(q => q.Name);

    var typesInThisModule = AsDynamic(App.Data["CO-Filter"].List);
    var typesUsed = typesInThisModule.SelectMany(a => ((List<DynamicEntity>)a.Types));
    var distinctTypes = typesUsed.Select(AsEntity).Distinct();    // Distinct only works reliably when cast as entity
    sortedTypes = AsDynamic(distinctTypes).OrderBy(a => a.Name);
<h2 class="sc-element">@ListContent.Title @ListContent.Toolbar</h2>
    <strong>@App.Resources.FilterBy </strong>
    <select id="ddlFeatureFilter">
        <option value="all">@App.Resources.ShowAll</option>
        @foreach (var cat in sortedCategories)
        <option value="@cat.EntityId">@cat.Title</option>
    <strong>@App.Resources.FilterBy </strong>
    <select id="ddlFeatureFilterOne">
        <option value="allOne">@App.Resources.ShowAll</option>
        @foreach (var catOne in sortedTypes)
        <option value="@catOne.EntityId">@catOne.Title</option>
    @foreach (var q in AsDynamic(App.Data["CO-Filter"]))
    <li class="sc-element faq-set faq-setOne" data-tags="@String.Join(",", ((List<DynamicEntity>)q.Categories).Select(a => AsDynamic(a).EntityId))">
        @q.Toolbar @Edit.Toolbar(actions: "edit,new", contentType: "CO-Filter")
        <a class="faq-question" style="cursor: pointer">
            } else {

<script src="@App.Path/assets/faq.js" data-enableoptimizations="true"></script>

    $(document).ready(function() {
    initFaqSection("DnnModule-" + @Dnn.Module.ModuleID, "@ListPresentation.ShowEffect");

My updated assets/faq js code: 我更新的资产/常见问题js代码:

function initFaqSection(containerSelector, showEffect) {
    var container = $("." + containerSelector);
    $(".faq-question", container).click(function (e) {
        var answer;
        switch(showEffect) {
            case "slide":
                answer = $(e.target).closest(".faq-set").find(".faq-answer");
            case "lightbox":
                var question = $(e.target);
                answer = question.next();
                    title: question.text(),
                    autoOpen: true,
                    dialogClass: "dnnFormPopup",
                    modal: true

    // Attach drop-down filter
    $("#ddlFeatureFilter", container).change(function (changeEvent) {
        var tagFilter = changeEvent.target[changeEvent.target.selectedIndex].value;
        console.log("tf:" + tagFilter);
        $(".faq-set", container).each(function (i, e) {
            var tags = ($(e).attr('data-tags') + ",all").split(',');
            if ($.inArray(tagFilter, tags) != -1)// || tagFilter == "all")

        // Attach drop-down filter
    $("#ddlFeatureFilterOne", container).change(function (changeEvent) {
        var tagFilter = changeEvent.target[changeEvent.target.selectedIndex].value;
        console.log("tf:" + tagFilter);
        $(".faq-set", container).each(function (i, e) {
            var tags = ($(e).attr('data-tags') + ",allOne").split(',');
            if ($.inArray(tagFilter, tags) != -1)// || tagFilter == "allOne")


The content item entity fields setup: 内容项实体字段设置: 在此处输入图片说明

The content item itself: 内容项本身:


What I currently have (note second filter only displays but doesnt filter by 'type'). 我目前所拥有的(请注意,仅显示第二个过滤器,但不按“类型”过滤)。


I know my code is incorrect but is there an easy solution? 我知道我的代码不正确,但是有一个简单的解决方案吗?

Also, is there any easy way if a link is displayed (no linktext entered by a user) to remove the path url and the extension? 另外,是否有任何简单的方法显示链接(用户未输入链接文本)以删除路径URL和扩展名?

Thx 谢谢


I have tried to create a combined function like so: 我试图创建一个像这样的组合函数:

function initFaqSection(containerSelector, showEffect) {
    var container = $("." + containerSelector);
    $(".faq-question", container).click(function (e) {
        var answer;
        switch(showEffect) {
            case "slide":
                answer = $(e.target).closest(".faq-set").find(".faq-answer");
            case "lightbox":
                var question = $(e.target);
                answer = question.next();
                    title: question.text(),
                    autoOpen: true,
                    dialogClass: "dnnFormPopup",
                    modal: true
    // Attach drop-down filters
    function runFilters() { 
        var filter1 = $("#ddlFeatureFilterOne").value;
        var filter2 = $("#ddlFeatureFilterTwo").value;
        $("#ddlFeatureFilterTwo", container).change(runFilters);
            $(".faq-set", container).each(function (i, e) {
            var tags = ($(e).attr('data-tags') + ",allTwo").split(',');
            if ($.inArray(filter1, tags) != -1 && $.inArray(filter2, tags) != -1)

with my cshtml code as follows: 用我的cshtml代码如下:

    <strong>@App.Resources.FilterBy </strong>
    <select id="ddlFeatureFilterOne">
        <option value="allTwo">@App.Resources.ShowAll</option>
        @foreach (var catOne in sortedCategories)
        <option value="@catOne.EntityId">@catOne.Name</option>
    <select id="ddlFeatureFilterTwo">
        <option value="allTwo">@App.Resources.ShowAll</option>
        @foreach (var catTwo in sortedTypes)
        <option value="@catTwo.EntityId">@catTwo.Name</option>

but this still only works the first filter? 但这仍然只适用于第一个过滤器吗?

So just as a side-note: you're asking a sequence of different questions in one issue, which makes it harder to answer. 因此,作为一个旁注:您在一个问题中提出了一系列不同的问题,这使得回答变得更加困难。 I recommend you split the questions in the future. 我建议您以后再拆分问题。

Now the problem you're having is the fact that you have two filters which currently don't know anything about each other. 现在,您遇到的问题是您有两个过滤器,这些过滤器目前对彼此一无所知。 So the real solution is 所以真正的解决方案是

  1. to have a combined runFilters() method which takes the value from both dropdowns and applies both 具有组合的runFilters()方法,该方法从两个下拉列表中获取值并同时应用
  2. your binding should then only call this, like $("#ddlFeatureFilterOne", container).change(runFilters); 然后,您的绑定应该只调用它,例如$("#ddlFeatureFilterOne", container).change(runFilters);

The runFilters will look something like this (pseodo code): runFilters将如下所示(伪代码):

``` function runFilters() { var filter1 = $("#ddl...").value; ```function runFilters(){var filter1 = $(“#ddl ...”)。value; // not sure if it's .value var filter2 = $("#...")...; //不确定是否是.value var filter2 = $(“#...”)...;

    $(".faq-set", container).each(function (i, e) {
        var tags = ($(e).attr('data-tags') + ",allOne").split(',');
        if ($.inArray(filter1, tags) != -1 && $.inArray(filter2, tags) != -1)

} }

``` ```

something like that :). 像这样的东西:)。 for removing the path, you want to trim it in JS by the lastIndexOf("/") - see https://www.w3schools.com/JSREF/jsref_lastindexof.asp or using the c# equivalent https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.string.lastindexof(v=vs.110).aspx 要删除路径,您想在JS中使用lastIndexOf(“ /”)修剪它-请参阅https://www.w3schools.com/JSREF/jsref_lastindexof.asp或使用等效的c# https://msdn.microsoft。 com / zh-CN / library / system.string.lastindexof(v = vs.110).aspx

I found a solution in the end.... 我终于找到了解决方法。

It required me to add a 'data-title' tag as otherwise I could not link the data connected w/ filter1 (Categories) w/ that of filter2 (Types): 它要求我添加一个“数据标题”标签,否则我将无法链接通过filter1(类别)和filter2(类型)连接的数据:

data-title="@String.Join(",", ((List<DynamicEntity>)q.Categories).Select(a => AsDynamic(a).EntityId))"

So I associated 'data-title' w/ my Categories filter and associated 'data-tags' w/ my Types filter. 因此,我将“数据标题”与“类别”过滤器关联,将“数据标签”与“我的类型”过滤器关联。

My cshtml filter code: 我的cshtml过滤器代码:

    <strong>@App.Resources.FilterBy </strong>
    <select id="ddlFeatureFilterOne">
        <option value="allTwo">@App.Resources.ShowAll</option>
        @foreach (var catOne in sortedCategories)
        <option value="@catOne.EntityId">@catOne.Name</option>
    <select id="ddlFeatureFilterTwo">
        <option value="allTwo">@App.Resources.ShowAll</option>
        @foreach (var catTwo in sortedCategoriesTypes)
        <option value="@catTwo.EntityId">@catTwo.Name</option>
        public static string SplitWord(string text)
            int slash = text.LastIndexOf("/");
            int dot = text.LastIndexOf(".");
            var data = text.Substring(slash + 1, dot - slash);
            return data;
            @foreach (var q in AsDynamic(App.Data["CatFilter"]))
                <li class="sc-element faq-set" data-title="@String.Join(",", ((List<DynamicEntity>)q.Categories).Select(a => AsDynamic(a).EntityId))" data-tags="@String.Join(",", ((List<DynamicEntity>)q.Types).Select(a => AsDynamic(a).EntityId))">
                    @q.Toolbar @Edit.Toolbar(actions: "edit,new,more", contentType: "CatFilter")
                    <a class="faq-question" href="@q.Link" style="cursor: pointer">
                        @if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(q.LinkText))

And my adjusted runFilters function code: 和我调整后的runFilters函数代码:

    function runFilters() { 
    var filter1 = $("#ddlFeatureFilterOne").value;
    var filter2 = $("#ddlFeatureFilterTwo").value;
    $("#ddlFeatureFilterOne", container).change(function(){
        var filter1 = $("#ddlFeatureFilterOne").val();
        var filter2 = $("#ddlFeatureFilterTwo").val();
        $(".faq-set", container).each(function (i, e) {
            var title = ($(e).attr('data-title') + ",allTwo").split(',');
            var tags = ($(e).attr('data-tags') + ",allTwo").split(',');
            if ($.inArray(filter1, title) != -1 && $.inArray(filter2, tags) != -1)
    $("#ddlFeatureFilterTwo", container).change(function () {
        var filter1 = $("#ddlFeatureFilterOne").val();
        var filter2 = $("#ddlFeatureFilterTwo").val();
        $(".faq-set", container).each(function (i, e) {
            var tags = ($(e).attr('data-tags') + ",allTwo").split(',');
            var title = ($(e).attr('data-title') + ",allTwo").split(',');
            if ($.inArray(filter1, title) != -1 && $.inArray(filter2, tags) != -1)

Hope this helps others w/ similar issues 希望这对其他类似问题有帮助

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