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ManualResetEvent到IObservable <bool> (或Waithandle到IObservable <Unit> )?

[英]ManualResetEvent to IObservable<bool> (or WaitHandle to IObservable<Unit> )?

I'd like to create an IObservable-stream based on Sets/Resets of a ManualResetEvent, eg in principle something like 我想基于ManualResetEvent的Sets / Resets创建一个IObservable流,例如原则上类似

IObservable<bool> ToObservable(ManualResetEvent ev)
  var s = new Subject<bool>();
  ev.OnSet += s.OnNext(true);
  ev.OnReset += s.OnNext(false);
  return s;

Only that ManualResetEvent doesn't expose such events of course. 当然,只有ManualResetEvent不会公开此类事件。 So is there any way to observe when this gets stopped/reset? 那么,有什么方法可以观察到何时停止/重置?

For the record, if the differentiation between set/unset into true/false isn't possible, a more simple IObservable<Unit> pushing a value whenever the state of ManualResetEvent changes would be okay as well. 作为记录,如果不可能在设置/取消设置为true / false之间进行区分,那么只要ManualResetEvent的状态更改也可以使用更简单的IObservable <Unit>推送值。

Is there any way of doing this? 有什么办法吗?

I've found a post explaining how to convert a ManualResetEvent (or rather, a WaitHandle in general) into a task ( Wrapping ManualResetEvent as awaitable task ), which seems to complete whenever the next time is that the ManualResetEvent changes (from set to unset, or other way around). 我找到了一篇帖子,解释了如何将ManualResetEvent(或更确切地说,通常是一个WaitHandle)转换为任务( 将ManualResetEvent包装为等待的任务 ),该任务似乎在下一次ManualResetEvent更改(从设置为未设置)时完成,或其他方式)。 But I haven't really found any way how I could chain this up into a sequence (eg after the task completes, I'd need to create another one for the next event, etc., and somehow create an observable out of this "recursive" sequence) 但是我还没有真正找到如何将其链接成一个序列的任何方式(例如,任务完成后,我需要为下一个事件创建另一个,等等,然后以某种方式在此事件中创建一个可观察的对象)递归”序列)

Thanks! 谢谢!

There are many different ways to do this, but something likes this: 有很多不同的方法可以执行此操作,但是类似这样:

public static class ManualResetEventObservable
    public static IObservable<bool> Create(ManualResetEvent e, TimeSpan timeout)
        return Observable.Create<bool>(observer =>
            var cancelEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
            var waitHandles = new[] { cancelEvent, e };
            var thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(() =>
                var index = WaitHandle.WaitAny(waitHandles, timeout);
                if (index == 1)

            return Disposable.Create(() => cancelEvent.Set());


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