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[英]How to set Selectedvalue in Combobox c#

I have one combobox in which I have set DataSource Value, but when I try to set SelectedValue, the ComboBox returns null. 我有一个组合框,其中设置了数据源值,但是当我尝试设置SelectedValue时,ComboBox返回null。 so please help. 所以请帮忙

BindingList<KeyValuePair<string, int>> m_items =
                     new BindingList<KeyValuePair<string, int>>();

for (int i = 2; i <= 12; i++)
    m_items.Add(new KeyValuePair<string, int>(i.ToString(), i));
ComboBox cboGridSize = new ComboBox();
cboGridSize.DisplayMember = "Key";
cboGridSize.ValueMember = "Value";
cboGridSize.DataSource = m_items;

cboGridSize.SelectedValue = 4;

when I set SelectedValue with 4 then it returns NULL. 当我将SelectedValue设置为4时,它将返回NULL。

Agree with @Laazo change to string. 同意@Laazo更改为字符串。

cboGridSize.SelectedValue = "4";

or somthing similar to this 或类似的东西

int selectedIndex = comboBox1.SelectedIndex;
Object selectedItem = comboBox1.SelectedItem;

MessageBox.Show("Selected Item Text: " + selectedItem.ToString() + "\n" +
"Index: " + selectedIndex.ToString());

and refer to this looks as if it would be good for your issue: 并指出这看起来对您的问题有好处:

I came across this question while also trying to solve this problem. 我在尝试解决此问题的同时遇到了这个问题。 I solved it by creating the following extension method. 我通过创建以下扩展方法解决了它。

        public static void ChooseItem<T>(this ComboBox cb, int id) where T : IDatabaseTableClass
        // In order for this to work, the item you are searching for must implement IDatabaseTableClass so that this method knows for sure
        // that there will be an ID for the comparison.

        /* Enumerating over the combo box items is the only way to set the selected item.
         * We loop over the items until we find the item that matches. If we find a match,
         * we use the matched item's index to select the same item from the combo box.*/
        foreach (T item in cb.Items)
            if (item.ID == id)
                cb.SelectedIndex = cb.Items.IndexOf(item);

I also created an interface called IDatabaseTableClass (probably not the best name). 我还创建了一个名为IDatabaseTableClass的接口(可能不是最佳名称)。 This interface has one property, int ID { get; 该接口具有一个属性,即int ID {get; set; 组; } To ensure that we actually have an ID to compare to the int id from the parameter. 为了确保我们实际上有一个ID与参数中的int id进行比较。

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