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[英]CSS fade not working in Chrome

I wrote this function in javascript: 我在javascript中写了这个函数:

function unhide(el, dur = 300, display = "block") {
    el.style.display = display;
    el.style.transitionDuration = dur + "ms";
    el.style.opacity = 1;

For some reason, this isn't working in Chrome. 出于某种原因,这不适用于Chrome。

I remember having a problem like this, due to the browser not applying Javascript-written CSS atomically. 我记得有这样的问题,因为浏览器没有原子地应用Javascript编写的CSS。

So, I tried putting a break point after the display was changed: 所以,我尝试在显示更改后设置一个断点:

function unhide(el, dur = 300, display = "block") {
    el.style.display = display;
●   el.style.transitionDuration = dur + "ms";
    el.style.opacity = 1;

This fixed the problem. 这解决了这个问题。

This same issue occurs in FireFox, but not Microsoft edge. 同样的问题出现在FireFox中,但不是Microsoft边缘。

How can I fix this? 我怎样才能解决这个问题?

Is there a way to force the browser to apply the display, and then the opacity? 有没有办法强制浏览器应用显示,然后是不透明度?

I just thought about using a setTimeout ( for setting the opacity, because, again, the display is not atomically applied ), however, that seems like a messy/inefficient hack. 我只是考虑使用setTimeout用于设置不透明度,因为再次,显示不是原子地应用 ),但是,这似乎是一个混乱/低效的黑客。

Minimal implementation with a requestAnimationFrame 使用requestAnimationFrame进行最少的实现

 function unhide(el, dur = 1000, display = "block") { console.log("opacity when display none: ", getComputedStyle(mrHyde, null).opacity); el.style.display = display; console.log("opacity when display block: ", getComputedStyle(mrHyde, null).opacity) el.style.transitionDuration = dur + "ms"; requestAnimationFrame(() => el.style.opacity = 1); } const mrHyde = document.getElementById("unhideMe"); unhide(mrHyde); 
 #unhideMe { display: none; opacity: 0; } 
 <div id="unhideMe">Mr. Hyde</div> 

EDIT I replaced setTimeout with requestAnimationFrame . 编辑我用requestAnimationFrame替换了setTimeout The end result is the same but I feel requestAnimationFrame is more suited for this purpose. 最终的结果是一样的,但我觉得requestAnimationFrame更适合这个目的。

EDIT 2 This behavior is actually already reported as a bug . 编辑2此行为实际上已报告为错误 The very last comment on the thread raises a hypothesis that I also was speculating on. 关于该主题的最后评论提出了一个我也在猜测的假设。 Perhaps the browser "discards" the numeric value of opacity when the element is in display: none . 当元素处于display: none时,浏览器可能会“丢弃” opacity的数值。 That would imply that setting the opacity: 1 does not trigger a css transition, because transitions only work on well defined style property values. 这意味着设置opacity: 1不会触发css转换,因为转换仅适用于定义良好的样式属性值。 On the very next event loop, the browser will have a defined opacity value for the element, because it is by now in display: block . 在下一个事件循环中,浏览器将为元素定义一个opacity值,因为它现在是display: block

I took a small step into proving this hypothesis by logging the computed style value of the element when it is in display: none and right after it switches to display: block . 我通过记录元素在display: none的计算样式值并在它切换到display: block之后立即记录了这个假设。 Both values are actually a well defined numeric 0 , so this goes against the hypothesis. 这两个值实际上是一个明确定义的数字0 ,因此这与假设相反。

PS: http://caniuse.com/#feat=requestanimationframe Coverage for requestAnimationFrame seems to be fairly acceptable as of 2017, including IE > 9 versions. PS: http requestAnimationFrame自2017年起, requestAnimationFrame覆盖范围似乎相当可接受,包括IE> 9版本。

As theorised, its been noted that the browser groups JS-applied CSS alterations together. 从理论上讲,已经注意到浏览器将JS应用的CSS变更组合在一起。

Is there a way to force the browser to apply the display, and then the opacity?` 有没有办法强制浏览器应用显示,然后是不透明度?`

Yes. 是。 Add the line: 添加行:


between the two CSS alterations. 两个CSS之间的变化。

This forces the browser to re-render the pages CSS. 这会强制浏览器重新呈现CSS页面。

 var el = document.getElementById("hidden"); unhide(el); function unhide(el, dur = 300, display = "block") { el.style.display = display; el.style.transitionDuration = dur + "ms"; el.offsetWidth; el.style.opacity = 1; } 
 <div id="hidden" style="display: none; opacity: 0;">Unhidden</div> 

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