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如何在C ++中自己的类中正确使用矩阵(本征库)?

[英]How to correctly use a matrix (Eigen library) in my own class in C++?

I really tried to solve this problem and I have read a lot of QAs here on Stackoverflow but somehow nothing really helped. 我确实试图解决此问题,并且在Stackoverflow上阅读了很多QA,但实际上并没有任何帮助。

I am trying to implement a Class with its own matrices and vectors from the Eigen library. 我正在尝试使用Eigen库中的矩阵和向量来实现Class。 I am using Code::Blocks with GNU GCC Compiler. 我在GNU GCC编译器中使用Code :: Blocks。

Here is a simple example of what I mean, but it is not the exact code, because I am using more matrices and vectors and of other sizes (4x4 Matrices, 2x4 Matrices, 4x1 Vectors and 2x1 Vectors): 这是我的意思的简单示例,但这不是确切的代码,因为我使用了更多的矩阵和向量以及其他大小(4x4矩阵,2x4矩阵,4x1向量和2x1向量):

    class MYCLASS{

            VectorXd x;
            MatrixXd A;


            MYCLASS(double, double, double, double);
            double get_matval();


    MYCLASS::MYCLASS(double deltaT, double q_var, double r1_var, double r2_var){


        A(0,0)= deltaT;
        A(0,1)= 0.0;
        A(1,0)= 0.0;
        A(1,1)= 0.0;


    double MYCLASS::get_matval(){

        return A(0,0);


1. When I create an object of MYCLASS, like this: 1.创建MYCLASS对象时,如下所示:

MYCLASS myobject(10, 0.5, 0.1, 0.75);

==> Compilation is good, but when it runs, then the program somehow crashes with the following exact description (keep in mind I have other matrices and vectors): ==>编译是好的,但是当它运行时,程序将以以下确切描述崩溃(请记住,我还有其他矩阵和向量):

Assertion failed: index >= 0 && index < size(), file F:....../Eigen/src/Core/DenseCoeffsBase.h, line 425 断言失败:索引> = 0 &&索引<size(),文件F:...... / Eigen / src / Core / DenseCoeffsBase.h,第425行

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. 该应用程序已请求运行时以一种异常方式终止它。 Please contact... 请联系...

Process returned 3 (0x3) execution time: 2.131 s 进程返回3(0x3)执行时间:2.131 s

2. If I then put at the beginning of the constructor this: 2.如果我然后将其放在构造函数的开头,则:

    MYCLASS::MYCLASS(double deltaT, double q_var, double r1_var, double r2_var){

            VectorXd x(4);
            MatrixXd A(2,2);


            ...and so on...

==> then when constructing the object ==> no error ==>然后在构造对象时==>没有错误

==> but when I then want to access A(0,0) by using the function get_matval, like this: ==>但是当我随后想要使用函数get_matval访问A(0,0)时,如下所示:

MYCLASS myobject(10, 0.5, 0.1, 0.75);

double myvar = myobject.get_matval();

...it crashes again with the same error message. ...它再次崩溃,并显示相同的错误消息。

Could you guys please help? 你们能帮忙吗?

Even though you found a solution already, here is how to properly initialize (a limited number of) Eigen matrices: 即使您已经找到解决方案,也可以通过以下方法正确初始化(有限数量的)本征矩阵:

MYCLASS::MYCLASS(double deltaT, double q_var, double r1_var, double r2_var)
                : x(4), A(2,2) { // use initializer list to construct x and A
    x << q_var, r1_var, r2_var, 0.0;
    A << deltaT, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0;

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