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安装OneSignal插件后无法为ios构建Ionic 3项目

[英]Ionic 3 project cannot be built for ios after installing OneSignal plugin

I created a new project and installed OneSignal plugin.我创建了一个新项目并安装了 OneSignal 插件。

sudo ionic cordova plugin add onesignal-cordova-plugin须藤离子cordova插件添加onesignal-cordova-plugin

sudo npm install --save @ionic-native/onesignal须藤 npm install --save @ionic-native/onesignal

After that I built for Android was okay, yet I built for iOS.之后,我为 Android 构建还可以,但我为 iOS 构建。

sudo ionic cordova build ios须藤离子科尔多瓦构建ios

It gave me a message like this -->它给了我这样的消息-->

    Lolzzs-MacBook-Pro:myOnesignal lolzzlolzz$ sudo ionic cordova build ios
> cordova platform add --save ios
✖ Running command - failed!
[ERROR] An error occurred while running cordova platform add --save ios (exit code 1):

        Using cordova-fetch for cordova-ios@~4.4.0
        Adding ios project...
        Creating Cordova project for the iOS platform:
                Path: platforms/ios
                Package: io.ionic.starter
                Name: MyApp
        iOS project created with cordova-ios@4.4.0
        Installing "cordova-plugin-console" for ios
        Installing "cordova-plugin-device" for ios
        Installing "cordova-plugin-splashscreen" for ios
        Installing "cordova-plugin-statusbar" for ios
        Installing "cordova-plugin-whitelist" for ios
        Installing "ionic-plugin-keyboard" for ios
        Installing "onesignal-cordova-plugin" for ios
        Failed to install 'onesignal-cordova-plugin': undefined
        Error: /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/claide-1.0.1/lib/claide/command.rb:439:in
 `help!': [!] You cannot run CocoaPods as root. (CLAide::Help)


            $ pod COMMAND

              CocoaPods, the Cocoa library package manager.

+ cache      Manipulate the CocoaPods cache
            + env        Display pod environment
            + init       Generate a Podfile for the current directory
            + install    Install project dependencies according to versions from a
            + ipc        Inter-process communication
            + lib        Develop pods
            + list       List pods
            + outdated   Show outdated project dependencies
            + repo       Manage spec-repositories
            + setup      Setup the CocoaPods environment
            + spec       Manage pod specs
            + update     Update outdated project dependencies and create new Podfile.lock


            --silent     Show nothing
            --version    Show the version of the tool
            --verbose    Show more debugging information
            --no-ansi    Show output without ANSI codes
            --help       Show help banner of specified command
                from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/cocoapods-1.2.1/lib/cocoapods/comma
nd.rb:47:in `run'
                from /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/gems/cocoapods-1.2.1/bin/pod:55:in `<top
                from /usr/local/bin/pod:22:in `load'
                from /usr/local/bin/pod:22:in `<main>'

after a long time trying to build my project with the exact same error with oneSignal经过很长时间尝试使用 oneSignal 构建我的项目时出现完全相同的错误

I saw a instruction to go to platform/ios and run:我看到一条指令去平台/ios并运行:

sudo gem install cocoapods


pod install --repo-update

and that worked这有效

delete your node_module, platform and plugin删除您的 node_module、平台和插件

remove package-lock.json,删除 package-lock.json,

npm install --- don't use sudo

then execute the add platform with allow from root flag in buildflag然后在 buildflag 中使用来自 root 标志的 allow 执行添加平台

ionic cordova platform add ios --buildflag="--allow-root"

and then进而

ionic cordova build ios

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