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[英]Click on points in a leaflet map as input for a plot in shiny

Using the example below, I am trying to figure out a way to add functionality to my shiny app such that the following works: 使用下面的示例,我试图找到一种向我的闪亮应用程序添加功能的方法,从而可以实现以下目的:

  1. Click on a point on the map 点击地图上的一个点
  2. This changes the plot according to station AND 这将根据测站AND更改图
  3. Inputs the corresponding station into the "Click on Station" sidebar 将相应的站点输入到“ Click on Station”侧边栏中

Basically I'd like to be able either click on the map for a station OR input the station manually with a keyboard. 基本上,我希望可以在地图上单击某个站点,或者可以使用键盘手动输入该站点。

Is this possible with leaflet? 传单可以吗? I've seen references to using plotly which may be ultimate solution but I'd love to leaflet if possible in no small part because I have already done a lot of work with leaflet. 我已经看到了使用plotly的参考,这可能是最终的解决方案,但是我希望在可能的情况下尽可能多地散发传单,因为我已经对传单做了很多工作。 This is similar to this question though there is working example here: 尽管这里有可用的示例,但这类似于此问题


  ui = dashboardPage(title = "Station Lookup",
                     dashboardHeader(title = "Test"),
                         menuItem("Data Dashboard", tabName = "datavis", icon = icon("dashboard")),
                         menuItem("Select by station number", icon = icon("bar-chart-o"),
                                  selectizeInput("stations", "Click on Station", choices = levels(factor(quakes$stations)), selected = 10, multiple = TRUE)
                         tabItem(tabName = "datavis",
                                 h4("Map and Plot"),
                                 fluidRow(box(width= 4,  leafletOutput("map")),
                                          box(width = 8, plotOutput("plot")))

  server = function(input, output) {

    ## Sub data     
    quakes_sub <- reactive({

      quakes[quakes$stations %in% input$stations,]


    output$plot <- renderPlot({

      ggplot(quakes_sub(), aes(x = depth, y = mag))+


    output$map <- renderLeaflet({
      leaflet(quakes) %>% 
        addTiles() %>%
        addCircleMarkers(lng = ~long, lat = ~lat, layerId = ~stations, color = "blue", radius = 3) %>%
        addCircles(lng = ~long, lat = ~lat, weight = 1,
                   radius = 1, label = ~stations, 
                   popup = ~paste(stations, "<br>",
                                  depth, "<br>",



You can use input$map_marker_click and updateSelectInput() : 您可以使用input$map_marker_clickupdateSelectInput()

Edit: Added functionality that stations can be deleted from selectInput() as suggested by OP in the comments. 编辑:添加了功能,可以按照OP在注释中从selectInput()删除站的功能。

(Dont forget to add session to your sever function). (不要忘记添加session到你的服务器功能)。

  updateSelectInput(session, "stations", "Click on Station", 
                    choices = levels(factor(quakes$stations)), 
                    selected = c(input$stations))

observeEvent(input$map_marker_click, {
  click <- input$map_marker_click
  station <- quakes[which(quakes$lat == click$lat & quakes$long == click$lng), ]$stations
  updateSelectInput(session, "stations", "Click on Station", 
                    choices = levels(factor(quakes$stations)), 
                    selected = c(input$stations, station))

However, this functionality is partly overwritten by the popup event(?). 但是,此功能会被popup event(?)部分覆盖。 As i see it there is an inner blue circle (darker blue) that if clicked produces the popup. 如我所见,有一个内部蓝色圆圈(深蓝色),如果单击它会产生弹出窗口。 However, the input$map_marker_click only works if you click the outer (light blue) circle. 但是,仅在单击外部(浅蓝色)圆圈时, input$map_marker_click才有效。 I would report it as a bug,... 我将其报告为错误,...

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