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[英]JavaScript simple code not running

I'm watching a tutorial and I tried running the following code but it doesn't run. 我正在观看教程,并尝试运行以下代码,但未运行。

var person = {
  'address': {
    'street': 'Rose Road',
    'city': 'somewhere',
    'state': 'CA'
  'isfromState': fucntion(state) {
    return (this.address.state === state);

Instead, it gives me this error Exception: SyntaxError: missing } after property list and I can't find the mistake. 相反,它Exception: SyntaxError: missing } after property list给了我这个错误Exception: SyntaxError: missing } after property list ,但我找不到错误。

'isfromState': fucntion(state) { // <--- fucntion isn't a keyword
  return (this.address.state === state);

Should be: 应该:

'isfromState': function(state) { // <--- use function
  return (this.address.state === state);

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