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[英]Integrating jQuery plugin calls inside AngularJS Directives

I've been working on converting a plain static website into an AngularJS website - just to also improve my skills on that. 我一直在努力将纯静态网站转换为AngularJS网站-只是为了提高我的技能。

So far, I've done routes and looking good so far. 到目前为止,我已经完成了路线,到目前为止看起来还不错。

Now on the home page, I made slider images load using ng-repeat directive and it's also working. 现在在主页上,我使用ng-repeat指令加载了滑块图像,并且该滑块也可以工作。 But I noticed something that the slider itself isn't working its supposed functionality. 但是我注意到一些问题,滑块本身无法正常工作。 So I found out that the jQuery functions I made on a separate js file isn't loading at all. 因此,我发现我在单独的js文件上创建的jQuery函数根本没有加载。 And I also found out that this can be achieved by integrating the plugin calls inside a directive. 而且我还发现,可以通过将插件调用集成到指令中来实现此目的。

So, I made this: 所以,我做到了:

app.directive('featuredSlider', [function() {
return {
    restrict: 'A',
    link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
            itemsCustom: [
                [0, 1],
                [600, 2],
                [1200, 4]
            autoPlay: 3000

I'm using OwlCarousel for the slider and it's not being triggered using the one I did above. 我正在使用OwlCarousel作为滑块,但使用上面的操作并没有触发它。

By the way, this is how my controller look like: 顺便说一下,这就是我的控制器的外观:

app.controller('HomeController', function($scope) {
$scope.featuredImages = []; }

The featuredImages array above has the image URLs for the slider. 上方的featuredImages数组具有滑块的图像URL。

And then, this is the part where the slider is. 然后,这是滑块所在的部分。

<div class = "featured owl-carousel owl-theme featured-slider">
     <div class = "item" ng-repeat = "featured in featuredImages">
       <img ng-src = "{{featured.img}}" />

Anyone who can help me out? 有人可以帮助我吗? I've tried out several methods but still not showing up and working. 我已经尝试了几种方法,但是仍然无法显示和工作。

Thanks in advanced! 提前致谢!


Create the dependency in this way: fe: 通过以下方式创建依赖项:fe:

//Import moment.js into your page as always
<script type="text/javascript"

//Before your main app module is declared, declare a momentjs module
  //And on the momentjs module, declare the moment service that we want
  // available as an injectable
  .factory('moment', function ($window) {
      //Delete moment from window so it's not globally accessible.
      //  We can still get at it through _thirdParty however, more on why later
      $window._thirdParty = $window._thirdParty || {};
      $window._thirdParty.moment = $window.moment;
      try { delete $window.moment; } catch (e) {$window.moment = undefined;
      /*<IE8 doesn't do delete of window vars, make undefined if delete error*/}
    var moment = $window._thirdParty.moment;
    return moment;

and then put the directive in this way to assign their own controller: 然后将指令以这种方式分配给自己的控制器:

 angular.module("example").directive('exampleDirective', [function () {
    return {            
        templateUrl: 'path',
        restrict: 'AE',
        controller: 'myDirectiveController'

 function myDirectiveController($scope , $element, $attrs, moment ) {
        //and now you can use this thir party library in the directive controller.

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