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[英]Expression Property with Generic Parameter

Here goes my first question in Stack Overflow. 这是我在Stack Overflow中的第一个问题。 So, please bear with me and I hope I can point you right to my problem... (sorry if this is a repeat, but I searched a lot and I couldn't find an answer for the exact issue I'm having nor I could figure it out from other answers). 因此,请您耐心等待,我希望您能指出我的问题...(很抱歉,如果重复一遍,但是我进行了很多搜索,但我找不到确切问题的答案,也没有找到答案。我可以从其他答案中找出来)。

Let me show you the code first so you can get some context (spoiler: the issue I'm having is with keySelector ). 首先让我向您展示代码,以便获得一些上下文信息(扰流器: keySelector是我遇到的问题)。

I have this method in a class: 我在课堂上有这个方法:

public class BaseTableDataStore<T> : BaseTableDataStore, ITableDataStore<T> where T : Models.EntityData
    public virtual async Task<IEnumerable<T>> GetItemsQueryAsync<Tkey>(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate, Expression<Func<T, Tkey>> keySelector)
        return await Table.Where(predicate).OrderBy(keySelector).ToEnumerableAsync();


Then, I have this other class: 然后,我有另一堂课:

public class ConnectedObservableCollection<T> : ObservableRangeCollection<T> where T : EntityData
    ITableDataStore<T> table;
    public Expression<Func<T, bool>> Predicate { get; set; }
    public Expression<Func<T, long?>> KeySelector { get; set; }
    public async Task Refresh() 
        _items = await table.GetItemsQueryAsync(Predicate, KeySelector);

Finally, I have the following code in another class: 最后,我在另一个类中有以下代码:

ConnectedObservableCollection<MeterEntry> meterEntries;
meterEntries.Predicate = (s => s.Type == 1);
meterEntries.KeySelector = (s => s.Value);

await MeterEntries.Refresh(wait);

That will of course work fine when s.Value is long? s.Value long?时,那当然可以工作long? . But I would like to make this property generic so I can use any type of parameter instead of just long? 但是我想使这个属性通用,所以我可以使用任何类型的参数,而不仅仅是long?参数long?

public Expression<Func<T, long?>> KeySelector { get; set; }

I hope it's clear enough... 我希望已经足够清楚了...

Thanks! 谢谢!

If you want to change this: 如果要更改此设置:

public Expression<Func<T, long?>> KeySelector { get; set; }

to this (replace long with a second generic type) 为此(用第二个泛型类型替换long

public Expression<Func<T, T2>> KeySelector { get; set; }

then that second generic type must be included in your class definition. 那么该第二泛型类型必须包含在您的类定义中。

Change 更改

public class ConnectedObservableCollection<T> 
    : ObservableRangeCollection<T> where T : EntityData


public class ConnectedObservableCollection<T, T2> 
    : ObservableRangeCollection<T> where T : EntityData

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