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如何使用 Boto3 在 Dynamodb 上将项目添加到 string_set

[英]How to Add item to string_set on Dynamodb with Boto3

I have read the official AWS docs and several forums, still I cant find what I am doing wrong while adding item to string_set using Python/Boto3 and Dynamodb.我已经阅读了 AWS 官方文档和几个论坛,但在使用 Python/Boto3 和 Dynamodb 将项目添加到 string_set 时,我仍然找不到我做错了什么。 Here is my code:这是我的代码:

                    ATT_USER_USERID: event[ATT_USER_USERID]
                UpdateExpression="add " + key + " :val0" , 
                ExpressionAttributeValues = {":val0" : set(["example_item"]) },

The error I am getting is:我得到的错误是:

An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the UpdateItem operation: An operand in the update expression has an incorrect data type\\"调用 UpdateItem 操作时发生错误 (ValidationException):更新表达式中的操作数具有不正确的数据类型\\"

It looks like you figured out a method for yourself, but for others who come here looking for an answer:看起来你自己想出了一个方法,但对于来这里寻找答案的其他人:

  1. Your 'Key' syntax needs a data type (like 'S' or 'N')您的“键”语法需要数据类型(如“S”或“N”)
  2. You need to use "SS" as the data type in ExpressionAttributeValues , and您需要在ExpressionAttributeValues使用“SS”作为数据类型,并且
  3. You don't need "set" in your ExpressionAttributeValues .您不需要在ExpressionAttributeValues “设置”。

Here's an example I just ran (I had an existing set, test_set, with 4 existing values, and I'm adding a 5th, the string 'five'):这是我刚刚运行的一个示例(我有一个现有的集合 test_set,有 4 个现有值,我正在添加第 5 个,字符串“五”):

import boto3
db = boto3.client("dynamodb")
               UpdateExpression="ADD test_set :element",

So before, the string set looked like ['one','two','three','four'] , and after, it looked like ['one','two','three','four','five']所以之前,字符串集看起来像['one','two','three','four'] ,之后,它看起来像['one','two','three','four','five']

Building off of @joe_stech's answer, you can now do it without having to define the type.基于@joe_stech 的回答,您现在无需定义类型即可完成。

An example is:一个例子是:

import boto3

class StringSetTable:
    def __init__(self) -> None:
        dynamodb = boto3.resource("dynamodb")
        self.dynamodb_table = dynamodb.Table("NAME_OF_TABLE")

    def get_str_set(self, key: str) -> typing.Optional[typing.Set[str]]:
        response = self.dynamodb_table.get_item(
            Key={KEY_NAME: key}, ConsistentRead=True

        r = response.get("Item")
        if r is None:
            print("No set stored")
            return None
            s = r["string_set"]
            return s

    def add_to_set(self, key: str, str_set: typing.Set[str]) -> None:
        new_str_set = str_set.copy()

            Key={KEY_NAME: key},
            UpdateExpression="ADD string_set :elements",
            ExpressionAttributeValues={":elements": new_str_set},

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