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新的代号GUI Builder中的日历本地化

[英]Calendar localization in the new codenameone GUI Builder

how can I implement localization for my calendar component in the new codenameone GUI Builder, working in Netbeans IDE. 如何在NetBeans IDE中使用新的代号GUI生成器为日历组件实现本地化。 ie is there an equivalent of this process described for the old GUI Builder? 也就是说,对于旧的GUI Builder是否有与该过程相同的描述? https://www.codenameone.com/how-do-i---localizetranslate-my-application-apply-i18nl10n-internationalizationlocalization-to-my-app.html . https://www.codenameone.com/how-do-i---localizetranslate-my-application-apply-i18nl10n-internationalizationlocalization-to-my-app.html

Alternatively, how can I then access calendar properties implementing code manually, so that I alter the strings to preferred language?; 另外,我如何才能手动访问实现代码的日历属性,以便将字符串更改为首选语言? strings for Month titles, days of the week etc. 月份标题,星期几等的字符串

You can localize the new GUI builder just like the old one in the same old interface you just don't get the same level of preview. 您可以像在旧界面中旧界面一样对新的GUI构建器进行本地化,只是预览界面不一样。 We hope to release a better localization tool moving forward. 我们希望发布一个更好的本地化工具。

To localize the calendar strings use syntax like: Calendar.Jan , Calendar.Feb etc. 要本地化日历字符串,请使用如下语法: Calendar.JanCalendar.Feb等。

For the days Calendar.Sunday etc. 对于天Calendar.Sunday

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