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将自定义日期字符串转换为SQL datetime2

[英]Converting a custom date string into SQL datetime2

I have to load a CSV file into a temp table in SQL server 2008. There is a column in the CSV file which contains a date string formatted like this 11/04/2017 at 08:24:52 . 我必须将CSV文件加载到SQL Server 2008中的临时表中。CSV文件中有一列,其中包含日期字符串,其格式如下: 11/04/2017 at 08:24:52 How can I parse this string and insert it into a datetime2 column? 如何解析此字符串并将其插入datetime2列?

The following results in expected conversion error - Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string. 以下结果导致预期的转换错误- Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.

  create table #temp
    date_col datetime2(2),
    some_id varchar(20)

  insert into #temp(date_col , some_id )
  values ('11/04/2017 at 08:24:52', '2323434')

You can use stuff to remove the at and convert using style 103 (assuming dd/mm/yyyy ) or 101 (assuming mm/dd/yyyy ): 可以使用stuff ,以除去atconvert使用样式103(假设dd/mm/yyyy )或101(假设mm/dd/yyyy ):

DECLARE @Date varchar(30) = '11/04/2017 at 08:24:52'

SELECT CONVERT(datetime2, STUFF(@Date, 12, 3, ''), 103)

Result: 结果:

    11.04.2017 08:24:52

You just need to remove the at along with one of the spaces and then tell SQL Server which format you have your days and months in: 您只需要删除at和一个空格,然后告诉SQL Server您的日期和月份所使用的格式:

select convert(datetime2, replace('11/04/2017 at 08:24:52',' at',''),103) -- 2017-04-11 08:24:52.0000000
      ,convert(datetime2, replace('11/04/2017 at 08:24:52',' at',''),101) -- 2017-11-04 08:24:52.0000000

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