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[英]how to set variable/custom id value to Html.TextBoxFor - MVC, C#, Razor

How does one give a TextBoxFor a variable ID value? 如何给TextBoxFor变量ID值?

Example Attempt: 尝试示例:

 @var variable = model.codeOne;

@Html.TextBoxFor(item => item.OperationNo, new { id = "@("materialCostInput"+ 
variable)" })

I have looked around the forum for an answer to this question, but have yet to find a similar question. 我在论坛上四处寻找有关此问题的答案,但尚未找到类似的问题。

You can do like this 你可以这样

    var variable = "123";
@Html.TextBoxFor(item => item.OperationNo, new { id = "materialCostInput" + variable })

This is a more complete answer: 这是一个更完整的答案:

public class SuperModel
    public string OperationNo { get; set; }


//Create an edmx to your table
public class HomeController : Controller
    public ActionResult Index2003(SuperModel sm, FormCollection formCollection)
        var theId = formCollection.Keys[0];
        return View();

    public ActionResult Index2003()
        SuperModel sm = new SuperModel { OperationNo = "op1" };
        return View(sm);

Controller: 控制器:

@model Testy20161006.Controllers.SuperModel
    Layout = null;

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
        @using (Html.BeginForm())
            var variable = "456";
            @Html.TextBoxFor(item => item.OperationNo, new { Name = "materialCostInput" + variable })
            <input type="submit" value="submit" />

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