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[英]How to test a virtual method defined in an abstract class?

I need to unit-test a virtual method defined in an abstract class. 我需要对抽象类中定义的虚拟方法进行单元测试。 But the base class is abstract, so I can't create an instance of it. 但是基类是抽象的,因此我无法创建它的实例。 What do you recommend me to do? 你推荐我做什么?

This is a follow up to the following question: I am thinking about if it is possible to test via an instance of a subclass of the abstract class. 这是对以下问题的回应: 我正在考虑是否可以通过抽象类的子类的实例进行测试。 Is it a good way? 这是个好方法吗? How can I do it? 我该怎么做?

I'm not sure what your abstract class looks like, but if you have something like: 我不确定您的抽象类是什么样子,但是如果您有类似的东西:

public abstract class SomeClass
    public abstract bool SomeMethod();

    public abstract int SomeOtherMethod();

    public virtual int MethodYouWantToTest()
        // Method body

And then, as @David suggested in the comments: 然后,正如@David在评论中建议的那样:

public class Test : SomeClass
    // You don't care about this method - this is just there to make it compile
    public override bool SomeMethod()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    // You don't care about this method either
    public override int SomeOtherMethod()
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    // Do nothing to MethodYouWantToTest

Then you just instantiate Test for your unit test: 然后,您只需为单元测试实例化Test

public class UnitTest1
    public void TestMethod1()
        SomeClass test = new Test();
        // Insert whatever value you expect here
        Assert.AreEqual(10, test.MethodYouWantToTest());

There's no rule that says a unit test can't define its own classes. 没有规则说单元测试不能定义自己的类。 This is a fairly common practice (at least for me anyway). 这是相当普遍的做法(至少对我而言)。

Consider the structure of a standard unit test: 考虑标准单元测试的结构:

public void TestMethod()
    // arrange
    // act
    // assert

That "arrange" step can include any reasonable actions (without side-effects outside of the test) which set up what you're trying to test. 该“安排”步骤可以包括设置您要测试的内容的任何合理的操作(没有测试外部的副作用)。 This can just as easily include creating an instance of a class whose sole purpose is to run the test. 这可以很容易地包括创建一个类的实例,该类的唯一目的是运行测试。 For example, something like this: 例如,如下所示:

private class TestSubClass : YourAbstractBase { }

public void TestMethod()
    // arrange
    var testObj = new TestSubClass();

    // act
    var result = testObj.YourVirtualMethod();

    // assert
    Assert.AreEqual(123, result);

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