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Amchart不显示值= 0的数据

[英]Amchart Dont show data where value =0

Im working in a graph where data comes from server like Object's Array. 我在一个图形中工作,其中数据来自服务器,例如对象数组。

I dont need some data to show in my graph, data where number=0, and i want to know if amchart have some function to dont show this. 我不需要一些数据在我的图表中显示,数据在number = 0处,并且我想知道amchart是否具有某些功能以不显示此数据。

Here is an example of the code: 这是代码示例:

var data =[
{'number':1, 'date':'11:00-11:59', 'duration': 3},
{'number':2, 'date':'12:00-12:59', 'duration':6},
{'number':4, 'date':'13:00-13:59', 'duration':12},
{'number':8, 'date':'14:00-14:59', 'duration':8},
{'number':0, 'date':'14:00-14:59', 'duration':0}

var chart = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", {
"theme": "light",
"type": "serial",
"startDuration": 2,
"dataProvider": data,
"valueAxes": [{
    "id": "number",
    "position": "left",
    "title": "N Llamadas"
    "id": "durationAxis",
    "position": "right",
    "title": "duration"
"graphs": [{
    "balloonText": "[[category]]: <b>[[value]]</b>",
    "fillColorsField": "color",
    "fillAlphas": 1,
    "lineAlpha": 0.1,
    "type": "column",
    "valueField": "number"
    "bullet": "square",
    "bulletBorderAlpha": 1,
    "bulletBorderThickness": 1,
    "dashLengthField": "dashLength",
    "legendValueText": "[[value]]",
    "title": "duration",
    "fillAlphas": 0,
    "valueField": "duration",
    "valueAxis": "durationAxis"
"depth3D": 20,
"angle": 30,
"chartCursor": {
    "categoryBalloonEnabled": false,
    "cursorAlpha": 0,
    "zoomable": false
"categoryField": "date",
"categoryAxis": {
    "gridPosition": "start",
    "labelRotation": 0
"export": {
    "enabled": true


In this case i dont want to show the last item of the array because number is 0, i shouldnt create a new array for reasons project. 在这种情况下,我不想显示数组的最后一项,因为数字为0,由于项目原因,我不应该创建一个新数组。 Thanks in advance 提前致谢

Not showing a graph object when a value is 0 is pretty much impossible without modifying the array due to the bullets of the line chart (you can hide a column using alphaField, but you can't remove the bullet). 由于折线图的项目符号,在不修改数组的情况下几乎不显示数值对象几乎是不可能的(您可以使用alphaField来隐藏列,但不能删除项目符号),这是因为折线图不能修改数组。 You can write an init handler that nulls out zero values so that the chart doesn't show the point or column at all upon chart initialization: 您可以编写一个使零值无效的初始化处理程序,以使图表在图表初始化时根本不显示点或列:

//Nulls out any field that contains a zero, effectively hiding the point/column from the chart.
//Note that the category will still be visible if both points are null unless you null out that category as well.
AmCharts.addInitHandler(function(chart) { 
  var valueFields = chart.graphs.map(function(graph) {
    return graph.valueField;
  chart.dataProvider.forEach(function(dataItem) {
    valueFields.forEach(function(valueField) {
      if (dataItem[valueField] === 0) {
        dataItem[valueField] = null;
}, ["serial"]);

Note that this will effect the data export (csv, xlsx, json) as well. 请注意,这也会影响数据导出(csv,xlsx,json)。 If you want to re-add those zero values to the data export, you can use the processData callback in the export plugin to modify your data to re-add the zeroes: 如果要将这些零值重新添加到数据导出中,可以使用导出插件中的processData回调来修改数据以重新添加零:

"export": {
    "enabled": true,
     //re-add nulled out values as zeroes for data export:
    "processData": function(data, cfg) {
      var valueFields = this.setup.chart.graphs.map(function(graph) {
        return graph.valueField;
      data.forEach(function(dataItem) {
        valueFields.forEach(function(valueField) {
          if (dataItem[valueField] == null) {
            dataItem[valueField] = 0;
      return data;

Demo 演示

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