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[英]Converting different unit types in JScience library

I'm looking for a way in the JScience library to convert from one unit type to another. 我正在JScience库中寻找一种将一种单位类型转换为另一种单位类型的方法。 Given a factor between the base units of each types I should be able to convert. 给定每种类型的基本单位之间的因子,我应该可以转换。 But it seems that JScience isn't being very nice about the conversion, and only allowing the conversion between units of the same base type. 但是,似乎JScience对于转换不是很好,只允许在相同基本类型的单元之间进行转换。

Basically, I'm writing a diet app, and I need to be able to convert between calories, joules, kilojoules, grams, pounds, kg, etc. It is complicated by the macronutrient values - carbohyrates, protein, and fat content. 基本上,我正在编写一个减肥应用程序,我需要能够在卡路里,焦耳,千焦耳,克,磅,千克等之间进行转换。它的大量营养成分(碳酸盐,蛋白质和脂肪含量)非常复杂。

Example: 例:

Each 1g of carb = 4 Calorie. 每1克碳水化合物= 4卡路里。 That's 4000 calorie, or 16.736 Kilojoules, or 16736 joules (the base unit of energy). 那是4000卡路里,或16.736千焦耳,或16736焦耳(能量的基本单位)。

Carb_Unit is then defined as: 16736 joules/gram, or 16736000joules/kilogram 然后将Carb_Unit定义为:16736焦耳/克或16736000焦耳/千克

Given this base values, I should be able to convert from any mass unit to any energy unit. 有了这个基本值,我应该能够从任何质量单位转换为任何能量单位。 But again, JScience won't allow this. 但是同样,JScience不允许这样做。 Is there a way to tell the converter to return a converter with the correct conversion factor without it giving out the ConversionException? 有没有办法告诉转换器返回具有正确转换因子的转换器,而又不给出ConversionException?

CustomUnits.java: CustomUnits.java:

public class CustomUnits extends SystemOfUnits {

     * Holds collection of CustomUnits.
    private static HashSet<Unit<?>> UNITS = new HashSet<Unit<?>>();

    private static <U extends Unit<?>> U customUnits(U unit) {
        return unit;

    public Set<Unit<?>> getUnits() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableSet(UNITS);

    public static final Unit<Energy> KILOCALORIE = customUnits(SI.JOULE.times(4184));
    public static final Unit<Energy> KILOJOULE = customUnits(SI.JOULE.times(1000));

    // Food units expressed as energy
    public static final Unit<Energy> CARBOHYDRATE_ENERGY = customUnits(KILOCALORIE.times(4));
    public static final Unit<Energy> PROTEIN_ENERGY = customUnits(KILOCALORIE.times(4));
    public static final Unit<Energy> FAT_ENERGY = customUnits(KILOCALORIE.times(9));

    // Food units expressed as mass
    public static final Unit<Mass> CARBOHYDRATE_MASS = customUnits(SI.GRAM);
    public static final Unit<Mass> PROTEIN_MASS = customUnits(SI.GRAM);
    public static final Unit<Mass> FAT_MASS = customUnits(SI.GRAM);

Main.java: Main.java:

public static void main(String[] args) {

    Amount<?> carbEnergyUnit = Amount.valueOf(1, CustomUnits.CARBOHYDRATE_ENERGY);
    Amount<?> carbEnergyCalorie = carbEnergyUnit.to(CustomUnits.KILOCALORIE);
    Amount<?> carbEnergyKJ = carbEnergyUnit.to(CustomUnits.KILOJOULE);
    Amount<?> carbEnergyJoules = carbEnergyUnit.to(SI.JOULE);

    System.out.println(carbEnergyUnit.getExactValue() + "g of carb");       // 1g of carb
    System.out.println(carbEnergyCalorie.getExactValue() + " Calorie");     // 4 Calorie
    System.out.println(carbEnergyKJ.getEstimatedValue() + " KiloJoules");   // 16.735999999999997 KiloJoules
    System.out.println(carbEnergyJoules.getExactValue() + " Joules");       // 16736 Joules

    // Exception in thread "main" javax.measure.converter.ConversionException: lb is not compatible with J*16736
    UnitConverter toCarb = NonSI.POUND.getConverterTo(CustomUnits.CARBOHYDRATE_ENERGY);
    double result = toCarb.convert(4);

It looks like JScience has caught you trying to convert a Unit<Mass> to a Unit<Energy> , which is forbidden in the default PhysicalModel . 看起来JScience已经抓住您尝试将Unit<Mass>转换为Unit<Energy> ,这在默认的PhysicalModel是禁止的。

One alternative approach would be to create a new Quantity for various units of FoodEnergy : 一种替代方法是为FoodEnergy各个单位创建新的Quantity

public static final Unit<Energy> KILOCALORIE = SI.JOULE.times(4184);

public interface FoodEnergy extends Quantity {

    public final static Unit<FoodEnergy> UNIT
        = (Unit<FoodEnergy>) SI.GRAM.times(KILOCALORIE);

private static final Unit<FoodEnergy> PROTEIN_ENERGY = FoodEnergy.UNIT.times(4);
private static final Unit<FoodEnergy> ETHANOL_ENERGY = FoodEnergy.UNIT.times(7);

You can then combine the contributions of particular energy sources: 然后,您可以合并特定能源的贡献:

Amount<FoodEnergy> beer =
    Amount.valueOf(2, PROTEIN_ENERGY).plus(
    Amount.valueOf(14, ETHANOL_ENERGY));
System.out.println(beer.to(FoodEnergy.UNIT).getEstimatedValue() + " Calories");

Which prints 105.99999999999997 Calories . 哪个打印105.99999999999997 Calories You can find the calories in a pound of protein by converting a NonSI.POUND to SI.GRAM : 您可以通过一转换发现的蛋白质一斤的热量NonSI.POUNDSI.GRAM

double grams = NonSI.POUND.getConverterTo(SI.GRAM).convert(1);
Amount<FoodEnergy> pound = Amount.valueOf(grams, PROTEIN_ENERGY);
System.out.println(pound.to(FoodEnergy.UNIT).getEstimatedValue() + " Calories");

Which prints 1814.3694799999998 Calories . 其中打印1814.3694799999998 Calories Finally, you can recover the number of Joules from a FoodEnergy.UNIT : 最后,您可以从FoodEnergy.UNIT恢复焦耳数:


Which prints J*4184 , or 哪个打印J*4184 ,或者


Which prints 4184.0 . 打印4184.0

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