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[英]Mapping DTO to Entity while TrackingChanges with AutoMapper and EFCore

Very new to AutoMapper and EFCore, so maybe biting off more than i can chew here, but thought i would give it a go, but failing, and maybe it aint possible, but if it is maybe someone can point me in the right direction. 对AutoMapper和EFCore来说是非常新的东西,所以也许比我在这里所能做的要多得多,但我想我可以尝试一下,但是失败了,也许没有可能,但是如果有人可以指出我正确的方向。

I am using AutoMapper to convert my entities to a DTO, this is fine. 我正在使用AutoMapper将我的实体转换为DTO,这很好。

Now i would like to convert my DTO to an entity and have EntityFramework track all the changes (property updated, child object removed from list etc), but is this possible? 现在我想将我的DTO转换为一个实体,并让EntityFramework跟踪所有更改(属性更新,从列表中删除子对象等),但是这可能吗?

So if i have a simple PUT method, i would like to do something like this, and let automapper sort out the rest 因此,如果我有一个简单的PUT方法,我想做这样的事情,然后让automapper整理其余的内容

public async Task<IActionResult> PutAsync([FromBody] MyDTO model)
    var dbValue = _repos.GetMyObjectUsingId(999);

    // apply updates
    _mapper.Map<MyDTO, MyObject>(dbValue, model);


You can create an adapter class so your change set remains the same: Have you DTO's inherit from an interface 您可以创建一个适配器类,以便您的更改集保持不变:您是否从接口继承了DTO?

Say you have a DTO: 假设您有一个DTO:

public interface IFooDTO
   int Id { get; set;}
   string Name { get; set;}

public class FooDTO : IFooDTO
   public int Id { get; set;}
   public string Name { get; set; }

Then you have your entity 然后你有你的实体

public class FooEntity
   public int Id;
   public string name;

Then create your adapter like so which inherits from the foo interface: 然后像这样创建您的适配器,该适配器继承自foo接口:

public class FooAdapter : IFooDTO
   FooEntity entity;
   FooAdapter(FooEntity entity)
      this.entity = entity;

   public int Id 
      get {return this.entity.Id;}
      set {/*Do nothing set by EF*/}

   public string Name
       get {return this.entity.Name;}
       set {this.entity.Name = value; }

   public void Apply(FooDTO foo)
        //I don't remember if this is the correct order but you get the gyst
        this._mapper.Map<IFooDTO, IFooDTO>(this, foo);

Then you just need to Map from your Idto to you dto in the mapper. 然后,您只需要在映射器中将您的Idto映射到您的dto。

Usage: 用法:

 public ActionResult PutFoo(int id, FooDTO foo)
     var entity = context.Foos.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id);
     var adapter = new FooAdapter(entity);
     //Entity has been updated and has original changes


Children Work fine just use the same adapter pattern the setter for this is a lot of code but 儿童工作正常,只是使用相同的适配器模式,因此设置程序的设置很多,但是

public BarDTO childBar
   get { return new BarAdapter(this.entity.Bar).ToDTO(); }
   set { new BarAdapter(this.entity.Bar).Apply(value) }

Syncing Entities: 同步实体:

public static void Sync<TEntity, TEntityKey, TDTO>(this ICollection<TEntity> entityCollection, ICollection<TDTO> dtoCollection,
    Func<TEntity> entityConstructor, Action<TDTO, TEntity> copyAction,
    Action<TEntity> onDeleteAction,
    Func<TEntity, TEntityKey> entityKeySelector, 
    Func<TDTO, TEntityKey> dtoKeySelector)
    where TEntity : class
    where TEntityKey : struct
    dtoCollection = dtoCollection ?? new TDTO[] { };
    except = except ?? new TEntityKey[] { };

    var dtoIds = dtoCollection.Select(dto => dtoKeySelector(dto)).ToHashSet();
    foreach (var entity in entityCollection.Where(x => false == dtoIds.Contains(entityKeySelector(x))).ToArray())

    var entityCollectionMap = entityCollection.ToDictionary(x => entityKeySelector(x));

    foreach (var dtoItem in dtoCollection)
        TEntity entity = null;
        if (dtoKeySelector(dtoItem).HasValue)
            entity = entityCollectionMap.ContainsKey(dtoKeySelector(dtoItem)) ? entityCollectionMap[dtoKeySelector(dtoItem)] : default(TEntity);


        if (null == entity)
            entity = entityConstructor();
        copyAction(dtoItem, entity);

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