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[英]pandas groupby weighted cumulative sum

A   | B    | B_new
----| ---- |---------
1   | 1    |  1
1   | 2    |  1.5
1   | 3    |  2.25
2   | 2    |  2
2   | 4    |  3
2   | 6    |  4.5

I have a dataframe, and I want to calculate weighted cumulative sum of B group by A. But I don't know how to apply the transformation. 我有一个数据帧,我想用A计算B组的加权累积和。但我不知道如何应用转换。

$$new = C*cur+(1-C)*old$$

You want to apply exponentially weighted moving average within a groupby 您希望在groupby apply 指数加权移动平均值

        lambda x: x.ewm(alpha=0.5, adjust=False).mean()

   A  B  B_new
0  1  1   1.00
1  1  2   1.50
2  1  3   2.25
3  2  2   2.00
4  2  4   3.00
5  2  6   4.50

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