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[英]VS2017 setup - wrong team services account used?

Newbe to Team Services... Newbe团队服务...

Vs2015 Desktop Community for original setup. Vs2015桌面社区,用于原始设置。

I stumbled through the setup of our ...visualstudio.com account and it is working on two PCs. 我偶然发现了... visualstudio.com帐户的设置,该帐户可在两台PC上运行。 I went down the GIT path but I'm not really clear on the process, I just kept banging on it until it worked. 我走了GIT的道路,但我对这个过程并不十分清楚,我一直坚持不懈地努力直到它奏效。 It is working (mostly) for two VB.Net WinForm projects on two PCs. (大多数情况下)它可以在两台PC上用于两个VB.Net WinForm项目。

I'm now setting up a brand new PC and I installed VS2017. 我现在正在安装一台全新的PC并安装了VS2017。 I didn't install any extra software for GIT (can't find any directions for source control install for that either, TS GIT quick start doesn't mention setting up GIT) I logged into the visualstudio cloud from the new install and cloned one of the projects from the cloud GUI. 我没有为GIT安装任何额外的软件(也没有找到用于源代码管理的任何指导, TS GIT快速入门也没有提到设置GIT)我从新安装中登录了visualstudio云并克隆了一个云GUI中的项目。 The files came down OK but the project type is evidently wrong because the Solution Explorer always lists all files and I can't open a form in the GUI. 这些文件正常下来,但是项目类型显然是错误的,因为解决方案资源管理器始终列出所有文件,而我无法在GUI中打开表单。 I also tried to use VS2017 to clone/download the project with the same result. 我也尝试使用VS2017克隆/下载具有相同结果的项目。

Do I need to install GIT in a fresh install of VS2017? 我是否需要在全新安装的VS2017中安装GIT? Download from where/how to get a proper hookup with VS2017? 从哪里下载/如何获得与VS2017的正确连接?

Why am I getting the files OK but the project type is not VB.Net Winform? 为什么我可以使文件正常但项目类型不是VB.Net Winform? Can that be tweaked or should I start over? 可以调整一下还是我应该重新开始?

I was able to download using the .zip option from visualstudio.com but it isn't connected to a local or cloud repository. 我可以使用visualstudio.com的.zip选项进行下载,但未将其连接到本地或云存储库。 I'm not sure it is a good idea to connect these "out of band" files to an exisitng repository. 我不确定将这些“带外”文件连接到exisitng存储库是个好主意。 The project is of the correct type and it builds OK and works. 该项目的类型正确,可以正常运行。

Thanks! 谢谢!

View of solution in broken project: 损坏的项目中的解决方案视图: 在此处输入图片说明

It's unnecessary to install extra software after you installed VS2017. 安装VS2017之后,无需安装其他软件。

In short, use VS to work with git repo on VSTS (visual studio team services), you just need to connect your VSTS account in VS and clone a local repo as working copy for VSTS git repo. 简而言之,使用VS在VSTS上使用git repo(Visual Studio团队服务),您只需要在VS中连接VSTS帐户 ,并克隆本地存储库作为VSTS git repo的工作副本。 Operations in VS 2017 should be: VS 2017中的操作应为:

  1. Connect your VSTS account in VS2017. 在VS2017中连接您的VSTS帐户。

    VS2017 -> team explorer -> manage connections -> connect to project. VS2017->团队资源管理器->管理连接->连接到项目。 在此处输入图片说明

    If your VSTS account (sign up email address) hasn't connected yet, click add an account. 如果您的VSTS帐户(注册电子邮件地址)尚未连接,请单击添加帐户。 After that, you can select your VSTS project/repo to connect/clone. 之后,您可以选择VSTS项目/存储库以进行连接/克隆。


  2. Clone VSTS git repo locally. 在本地克隆VSTS git repo。

    If you didn't clone git repo in step1, then right click a VSTS repo -> clone. 如果您没有在步骤1中克隆git repo,请右键单击VSTS repo-> clone。 在此处输入图片说明

  3. Work on the local repo. 在本地仓库上工作。

    After successfully cloned a repo, you are working on the local repo, you can also find the local repo's name and branch you are working for in the right bottom of VS2017. 成功克隆存储库后,您将在本地存储库上工作,还可以在VS2017的右下角找到要使用的本地存储库的名称和分支。 Now the solutions should be same as what you find in VSTS. 现在,解决方案应该与您在VSTS中找到的解决方案相同。


    And you can make change and commit for them. 您可以进行更改并为他们做出承诺。 And then push your local commit(s) to VSTS git repo. 然后将您的本地提交推送到VSTS git repo。

For VS2017, there are two forms to view solutions and files : solution related and all files/folders. 对于VS2017,有两种形式可以查看解决方案和文件 :与解决方案相关的文件以及所有文件/文件夹。


If you can't find .Designer.vb and .resx files, you must use the second mode as the above graph. 如果找不到.Designer.vb.resx文件,则必须使用第二种模式作为上图。

To view all files/folder, you can switch the view to first mode as below graph. 要查看所有文件/文件夹,您可以将视图切换到第一种模式,如下图所示。


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