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[英]Select an option from a dropdown list by onClick on data-table row

I have a data-table when user click on the table row it will get the {{ content.id }} and pop up another child table. 当用户单击表行时,我有一个数据表,它将得到{{ content.id }}并弹出另一个子表。

    <table id="project-content-datatable" class="display table table-hover table-responsive" style="width: 100%">
        <th class="small text-muted text-uppercase"><strong>ID</strong></th>
        <th class="small text-muted text-uppercase"><strong>Name</strong></th>
        <th class="small text-muted text-uppercase"><strong>Description</strong></th>
    {% for content in content_list %}
        {% if content.search_type.name == searchtype.name %}
            <tr class="text-primary">
                <td class="text-left" style="cursor: pointer"
                    onclick='load_workorder({{ content.id }});'>
                    {{ content.id }}
                <td class="text-left" style="cursor: pointer" onclick='load_workorder({{ content.id }});'>
                    {{ content.name }} </td>
                <td class="text-left"> {{ content.description }} </td>
        {% endif %}
    {% endfor content_list %}

    function load_workorder(content_id) {
    workorder_path = "/dashboard/workorder_list/" + content_id + "/?format=json";

Inside the child table I have a button to pop up a modal form to create a new content in it, one of its field is a dropdown ForeignKey field. 在子表中,我有一个按钮,用于弹出模式窗体以在其中创建新内容,它的字段之一是下拉的ForeignKey字段。

<div class="modal-body">
<div class="field">
<label>Project Type</label>
<select name="parent_project_content" required="" id="id_parent_project_content">
      <option value="">---------</option>

      <option value="1" selected="">Iron man suit</option>

      <option value="2">SEQ 001</option>

      <option value="4">SEQ 002</option>


The <option> value is equal to the {{ content.id }} .I want to hide this field from user so how can I change the <option> to selected based on the {{ content.id }} click by user. <option>值等于{{ content.id }} 。我想向用户隐藏此字段,因此如何根据用户单击的{{ content.id }}<option>更改为选定的字段。

Any help is much appreaciated, Thanks 任何帮助都非常感谢,谢谢

So if the content.id value matches that of the option in the select dropdown the jQuery for that is pretty straightforward. 因此,如果content.id值与select下拉列表中的选项匹配,则jQuery非常简单。

Here's a little example but all you need to do is call the selectOption() function and pass through your content.id value: 这是一个小示例,但您需要做的就是调用selectOption()函数并传递您的content.id值:

// my simplified example to grab a value from the table 
  var value = $(this).text();

// pass the value to this function
function selectOption(v){
  $('#id_parent_project_content option[value="'+v+'"]').prop('selected', true);

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