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[英]Make embedded SVG scale to fit parent container

I want to compose my first SVG figure and embed it in HTML. 我想撰写我的第一个SVG图形并将其嵌入HTML中。 It's easy if I resize my HTML container to fit the hard-coded SVG size—otherwise bad things happen: 如果我调整HTML容器的大小以适合硬编码的SVG大小,这很容易,否则会发生不好的事情:

 figure { background-color: gray; padding: 10px; width: 250px; height: 100px; } figure svg { background-color: pink; } figure svg circle { fill: salmon; } figure svg text { fill: yellow; } 
 <figure> <svg version="1.1" baseProfile="full" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="50mm" height="50mm" > <circle cx="25mm" cy="25mm" r="25mm" /> <text x="25mm" y="33mm" font-size="25mm" text-anchor="middle">SVG</text> </svg> </figure> <figure>Hello, World!</figure> 

Being scalable is the killer feature of the format but I can't make it work or even understand how it works. 可伸缩性是该格式的杀手级功能,但我无法使其工作甚至无法理解其工作原理。 I'm completely confused with the basic concepts of viewport, coordinates, sizes, user units... and the articles I've read haven't helped (many suggest you even need CSS hacks). 我对视口,坐标,大小,用户单位等基本概念完全困惑,而我阅读的文章并没有帮助(很多建议您甚至需要CSS技巧)。

Is it possible to fix my code so the <svn> items expands or shrinks automatically to fit the dimensions of the <figure> they're wrapped in? 是否可以修复我的代码,使<svn>项自动扩展或缩小以适合它们所包裹的<figure>的尺寸? Or do I need to use JavaScript to change width and height dynamically? 还是我需要使用JavaScript动态更改widthheight

Just like is the case for any other HTML/CSS issue, if you want a child to fit to its parent, you gotta use relative units. 就像任何其他HTML / CSS问题一样,如果您希望孩子适合其父母,则必须使用相对单位。

In your SVG inline styles, you had the widths set in mm , which are absolute units. 在SVG内联样式中,您以mm为单位设置了宽度,这是绝对单位。 Instead, use relative units like percentages or vw / vh units. 而是使用相对单位,例如百分比或vw / vh单位。

In the example below, I've set the svg inline to width="100%" height="100%". Then, in the CSS for your 在下面的示例中,我将svg内联设置为width="100%" height="100%". Then, in the CSS for your width="100%" height="100%". Then, in the CSS for your figure , set its width and height. I picked width="100%" height="100%". Then, in the CSS for your , set its width and height. I picked , set its width and height. I picked 50vw` for both, since the SVG is supposed to be a square. 由于SVG应该是正方形,因此, set its width and height. I picked为两者都, set its width and height. I picked 50vw`。

In the <circle> part of the svg , we set its cx and cy values to 50% to center it within the svg . svg<circle>部分中,我们将其cxcy值设置为50%以使其在svg居中。 Its radius will naturally be 50% of its width, by definition, so we just go ahead and set r="50%" too. 根据定义,它的半径自然是其宽度的50% ,因此我们继续设置r="50%"

I centered the <text> in percentages similarly, and then used relative units for the font-size , so the text will scale up or down as the svg changes sizes. 我以类似的百分比居中放置<text> ,然后使用font-size相对单位,因此当svg更改大小时,文本将按比例放大或缩小。

Try resizing your browser window with the below snippet at full screen to see it in action. 尝试使用全屏显示以下片段来调整浏览器窗口的大小,以查看实际效果。 Also try changing the value of the container figure's width and height to see how that affects the SVG. 另外,尝试更改容器图形的宽度和高度的值,以查看其如何影响SVG。

Note that I went ahead and assigned an ID to the figure with the SVG in it, so that the second figure wouldn't be affected. 请注意,我继续为其中包含SVG的图形分配了ID,这样第二个图形就不会受到影响。

 figure { background-color: gray; padding: 10px; } #svg-container { width: 50vw; height: 50vw; } figure svg { background-color: pink; } figure svg circle { fill: salmon; } figure svg text { fill: yellow; } 
 <figure id="svg-container"> <svg version="1.1" baseProfile="full" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="100%" height="100%"> <circle cx="50%" cy="50%" r="50%" /> <text x="50%" y="60%" font-size="20vw" text-anchor="middle">SVG</text> </svg> </figure> <figure>Hello, World!</figure> 

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