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[英]how to use the wordpress site url and concatination for link href

I work on a wordpress site and i have some trouble to generate the correct href link dynamically to link to different sites. 我在wordpress网站上工作,在动态生成正确的href链接以链接到其他网站时遇到了一些麻烦。 My goal is to link to an id for a site section to scroll to, if you click a specific button/box. 我的目标是链接到网站部分的ID(如果您单击特定的按钮/框,则可以滚动到该ID)。 The box is wrapped inside an a tag and should get a dynamic link in the href to go to the specified section. 该框包装在一个标签内,应该在href中获得一个动态链接以转到指定的部分。 The dynamic link should consist of the site url and the site/#id for the section to go to 动态链接应包含该部分要转到的站点URL和站点/#id。

here is what i have done so far! 这是我到目前为止所做的!

My blade file looks like this: 我的刀片文件如下所示:

    $techboxes = $block->getBox();
    $mh_group = "technology-boxes-" . rand();
    global $wp;
    $site_url = home_url(add_query_arg(array(),$wp->request));
<div class="section section--margin-md">
    <div class="section__content">
        <div class="technology-teaser">
            $title = $block->getTitle();
            $subtitle = $block->getSubtitle();
            $description = $block->getDescription();
            <h2 class="technology-teaser__inner__title">{{$title}}</h2>
            <h3 class="technology-teaser__inner__subtitle">{{$subtitle}}</h3>
            <div class="technology-teaser__inner__description">{{$description}}</div>

        <div class="technology-teaser__boxes">
            @foreach ($techboxes as $techbox)
            $title = $techbox['title'];
            $description = $techbox['description'];
            $link = $techbox['link'];
            $current_url = $site_url . "/technolgie";
            <a href="{{$site_url}}" class="technology-teaser__boxes__box">
                <div class="technology-teaser__boxes__box__image bg-image" style="background-image: url({{$techbox['background']}})">
                <div class="technology-teaser__boxes__box__text">
                    <div class="js-matchheight" data-mh="{{ $mh_group }}">
                        <h2 class="technology-teaser__boxes__box__text__title">{{$title}}</h2>

                        <div class="technology-teaser__boxes__box__text__description">
                <div class="technology-teaser__boxes__box__text__link btn btn--yellow">
                    <i class="btn__icon white-icon"></i>
                    <span class="btn__text">mehr erfahren</span>

I found 我发现

global $wp;
$site_url = home_url(add_query_arg(array(),$wp->request));

which returns the right site url (i checked with var_dump). 返回正确的网站网址(我用var_dump检查)。 Now i would like to add a specific site to the $site_url. 现在,我想向$ site_url添加一个特定站点。 I do this with: 我这样做:

$current_url = $site_url . "/technolgie";

here /technolgie is the site the where the link should go to and i will later ad another variable which holds the id of the section on the technolgie site. 这里/ technolgie是链接应该转到的站点,稍后我将投放另一个变量,该变量包含technolgie站点上该部分的ID。

If i var_dump $current_url it gives back a string with the right address. 如果我var_dump $ current_url它返回一个带有正确地址的字符串。 However it links not to the right page, it just reloads and do nothing. 但是,它没有链接到正确的页面,它只是重新加载而没有执行任何操作。 If i typ in the adress in my browser, it works fine. 如果我在浏览器中输入地址,则效果很好。 So im obviously missing something important here and someone of you is having a hint for me about this. 因此,我在这里显然错过了一些重要的事情,你们当中有人向我暗示了这一点。

regards daniel. 问候丹尼尔。

I got it and the answer is quite easy. 我明白了,答案很简单。 Instead of using the sitename you would like to link to you need to concatinate the page id, like so: 您无需链接站点名称,而需要链接页面ID,如下所示:

$site_url = home_url(add_query_arg(array(),$wp->request)) . '/' . '?p=44';

With this you can use $site_url inside your href and can link to the site. 这样,您可以在href内使用$ site_url并可以链接到该站点。

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