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为HDInsight HDP集群安装Hue

[英]Installing Hue for an HDInsight HDP cluster

I am aware of installing Hue for HDInsight HDP cluster by deploying it on an edge node of the cluter (using a script action, link ), it works fine but asks for the cluster credentials first and then directs me to the Hue login page. 我知道要通过将Hue for HDInsight HDP集群部署在集群的边缘节点上(使用脚本操作, link )来安装Hue,它可以正常工作,但先要求提供集群凭据,然后将我定向到Hue登录页面。 Is there a way to get rid of those credentials? 有办法摆脱这些凭证吗? Else, is it possible to deploy Hue on a remote system and then point it to my HDInsight HDP cluster? 否,是否可以在远程系统上部署Hue,然后将其指向我的HDInsight HDP集群? If so how do I go about? 如果是这样,我该怎么办? And which of the above two approaches is better? 以上两种方法哪一种更好?

Based on my understanding & experience, to answer your questions as below. 根据我的理解和经验,请回答以下问题。

  1. There is not any way to get rid of those credentials, due to the credential is to authenticate for Resource Management Template deployment, not only for cluster. 由于凭证是针对资源管理模板部署进行身份验证的,而不仅仅是针对群集进行身份验证,因此无法摆脱这些凭证。

  2. It's not possible to deploy Hue on a remote system, because of "Hue consists of a web service that runs on a special node in your cluster." 由于“ Hue由运行在群集中特殊节点上的Web服务组成”,因此无法在远程系统上部署Hue。 as the Hue offical manual said from here . 正如顺化官方手册从这里说的那样。

Hope it helps. 希望能帮助到你。

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