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[英]Pandas slice string with index from another column

I want to slice this string using indexes from another column. 我想使用来自另一列的索引来切割此字符串。 I'm getting NaN instead of slices of the string. 我得到NaN而不是字符串的片段。

import pandas as pd
from pandas import DataFrame, Series

sales = {'name': ['MSFTCA', 'GTX', 'MSFTUSA', ],
         'n_chars': [2, 2, 3],
         'Jan': [150, 200, 50],
         'Feb': [200, 210, 90],
         'Mar': [140, 215, 95]}
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(sales)

def extract_location(name, n_chars):
    return( name.str[-n_chars:])

df.assign(location=(lambda x: extract_location(x['name'], x['n_chars']))).to_dict()

Gives: 得到:

{'Feb': {0: 200, 1: 210, 2: 90},
 'Jan': {0: 150, 1: 200, 2: 50},
 'Mar': {0: 140, 1: 215, 2: 95},
 'location': {0: nan, 1: nan, 2: nan},
 'n_chars': {0: 2, 1: 2, 2: 3},
 'name': {0: 'MSFTCA', 1: 'GTX', 2: 'MSFTUSA'}}

You need apply with axis=1 for processing by rows: 您需要apply axis=1进行行处理:

def extract_location(name, n_chars):
    return( name[-n_chars:])

df=df.assign(location=df.apply(lambda x: extract_location(x['name'], x['n_chars']), axis=1))
print (df) 
   Feb  Jan  Mar  n_chars     name location
0  200  150  140        2   MSFTCA       CA
1  210  200  215        2      GTX       TX
2   90   50   95        3  MSFTUSA      USA

df = df.assign(location=df.apply(lambda x: x['name'][-x['n_chars']:], axis=1))
print (df) 
   Feb  Jan  Mar  n_chars     name location
0  200  150  140        2   MSFTCA       CA
1  210  200  215        2      GTX       TX
2   90   50   95        3  MSFTUSA      USA

Using a comprehension 使用理解

df.assign(location=[name[-n:] for n, name in zip(df.n_chars, df.name)])

   Feb  Jan  Mar  n_chars     name location
0  200  150  140        2   MSFTCA       CA
1  210  200  215        2      GTX       TX
2   90   50   95        3  MSFTUSA      USA

You can speed it up a bit with 你可以加快速度

df.assign(location=[name[-n:] for n, name in zip(df.n_chars.values, df.name.values)])

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