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[英]Open/search file in VScode

VScode version: 1.13 OS version: macOS sierra 10.12.5 VScode版本:1.13操作系统版本:macOS sierra 10.12.5

I am wondering if VScode could open/search a file by entering the Path with auto-complete like vim or Emacs? 我想知道VScode是否可以通过输入像vim或Emacs这样的自动完成路径来打开/搜索文件?

Opening a file in your project : see VSCode: Open file in project . 在项目中打开文件 :请参阅VSCode:在项目中打开文件 if you already have the find panel open with a search term the finds will be highlighted in the next opened file. 如果您已经使用搜索词打开了查找面板,则查找将在下一个打开的文件中突出显示。

I like the CtrL-P then type a . 我喜欢CtrL-P然后键入a。 to get your files by extension and then choose the one you want to open. 通过扩展程序获取文件,然后选择要打开的文件。 Your preexisting search terms will be highlighted. 您的预先存在的搜索字词将突出显示。

Is this what you are looking for? 这是你想要的?

Do you mean Ctrl + P , then start typing? 你的意思是Ctrl + P ,然后开始输入?

The filename is fuzzy matched. 文件名是模糊匹配的。 Press ENTER to open. 按ENTER键打开。


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