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[英]Jar file won't start after clean Build

I have been busy with this netbeans application for the past 5 weeks so friday I was done with it anf I wanted to deploy it I made the clean build and installed jre-8u131-windows-x64 but when I douboe click on it nothing happens. 在过去的5个星期中,我一直在忙于这个netbeans应用程序,所以在星期五我已经完成它并想要部署它,因此我进行了干净的构建并安装了jre-8u131-windows-x64,但是当我单击douboe时,没有任何反应。 I only get that 'loading' blue circle for about a second then nothing. 我只得到“加载”蓝色圆圈约一秒钟,然后什么也没有。

I have research and researched but nothing seems to work. 我已经进行了研究,但似乎没有任何效果。 I even tried running it on cmd, I do not get any error even when using CMD. 我什至尝试在cmd上运行它,即使使用CMD也没有任何错误。 Please help, I must deploy it in the organization computers tomorrow morning. 请帮忙,明天早上我必须将其部署在组织计算机中。

There may be a few problems. 可能有一些问题。

  1. You might not have added any GUI. 您可能尚未添加任何GUI。

  2. Assuming you did, are you certain that you used the right class when creating your jar file? 假设您这样做了,确定在创建jar文件时使用了正确的类吗?

    1. Did you try setting it to wumbo? 您是否尝试将其设置为umbbo?

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