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Xamarin PCL渲染

[英]Xamarin PCL Rendering

I am new to Android,C# and Xamarin, I have just started learning about custom renderers and I would like to try implementing some. 我是Android,C#和Xamarin的新手,我刚开始学习自定义渲染器,我想尝试实现一些。

I would like to achieve custom image rendering at the end but do not know where to start. 我想在最后实现自定义图像渲染,但不知道从哪里开始。

For example how do i know what functions I can overwrite and also how the PCL in xamarin actually reads in XAML image source and how it processes it(how the data flow from xaml to image being rendered, what functions are being called)? 例如,我如何知道我可以覆盖哪些函数,以及xamarin中的PCL如何实际读取XAML图像源以及它如何处理它(数据如何从xaml呈现到图像呈现,是什么函数被调用)?

I would like to achieve custom image rendering at the end but do not know where to start . 我想在最后实现自定义图像渲染,但不知道从哪里开始

Xamarin has a pretty good documentation about Custom Renderers which contains a step-by-step tutorial and many examples. Xamarin有关于自定义渲染器的相当好的文档,其中包含分步教程和许多示例。

For example how do i know what functions I can overwrite and also how the PCL in xamarin actually reads in XAML image source and how it processes it 例如,我如何知道我可以覆盖哪些函数,以及xamarin中的PCL如何实际读取XAML图像源以及它如何处理它

You can take a look at the Xamarin code over at GitHub: https://github.com/xamarin/Xamarin.Forms 您可以在GitHub上查看Xamarin代码: https//github.com/xamarin/Xamarin.Forms

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