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[英]how to upload a certificate in VM of azure cluster

This line is creating problem as it requires the Cert to be present in the machine in which it is currently executing.. 这行产生了问题,因为它要求证书在当前正在执行的机器中出现。

topologyConfigurationManager = new TopologyConfigurationManager(new Uri("https://int2.metrics.nsatc.net"), GenevaCertThumbprint, StoreLocation.LocalMachine, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1));

I have gone through this link deploying-application-certificates-to-the-cluster 我已经通过此链接将应用程序证书部署到集群

but still i am not able to get how to upload certificate in VM(nodes) of azure cluster.Can some one give me detailed step of where to upload the cert(.pfx file). 但是我仍然无法获得如何在azure群集的VM(节点)中上载证书的方法。能否有人给我详细说明在何处上载cert(.pfx文件)的步骤。

I had this same problem few days ago, i was needing to change to a new certificate because the old has expired, and i solved it by deploying the azure resource template for service fabric again, which means that i'd basically recreated the all environment. 几天前我遇到了同样的问题,由于旧证书已经过期,我需要更改为新证书,并且我通过再次为服务结构部署天蓝色资源模板解决了它,这意味着我基本上已经重新创建了所有环境。

In the template i've only changed the certificate link and the thumbprint. 在模板中,我仅更改了证书链接和指纹。

Finally Got the answer:: Login to the Node of Remote cluster using following command in cmd: mstsc /v:mycluster.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com:3389 最终得到答案::在cmd中使用以下命令登录到远程群集的节点: mstsc /v:mycluster.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com:3389

Where " mycluster.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com " is cluster name.After logging in Install certifcates Manually. 其中“ mycluster.eastus.cloudapp.azure.com ”是群集名称。登录后手动安装证书。

3389-is first node 3390-second node and so on. 3389是第一节点,3390是第二节点,依此类推。

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