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[英]How to index documents containing nested properties with Lucene?

I'll try to reduce my case to the necessary: I'm building a Webapp (with Spring ) with a search interface that lets you search a corpus of annotated/tagged texts. 我将尝试将情况简化为必要的情况:我正在使用搜索界面构建Webapp(使用Spring ),该界面可让您搜索带注释/标记文本的语料库。 In my DB ( MongoDB ) one document represents one page of a book collection (totaling ~8000 pages). 在我的数据库( MongoDB )中,一个文档代表一个藏书集的一页(总计约8000页)。

Here is an example of the Document structure in JSON (I removed a lot of meta data for brevity. Also, and this is important, the "tokens"-array contains up to 700 objects in most cases.): 这是JSON中Document结构的示例(为简洁起见,我删除了很多元数据。而且,这一点很重要,在大多数情况下,“令牌”数组最多包含700个对象。):

    "_id" : ObjectId("5622c29eef86d3c2f23fd62c"),
    "scanId" : "592ea208b6d108ee5ae63f79",
    "volume" : "Volume I",
    "chapters" : [
        "Some Chapter Name"
    "languages" : [
    "tokens" : [
            "form" : "The",
            "index" : 0,
            "tags" : [
            "form" : "house",
            "index" : 1,
            "tags" : [
            "form" : "is",
            "index" : 2,
            "tags" : [

So you see i don't have a plain text, here. 所以你看我这里没有纯文本。 I now want to build an index with Lucene to quickly search this DB. 我现在想用Lucene建立一个索引来快速搜索该数据库。 The problem is that i want to be able to search certain words, their tags AND the context around it. 问题是我希望能够搜索某些单词,它们的标签以及它周围的上下文。 Like "give me all documents containing the word 'House' tagged as 'NN' followed by a word tagged with 'V'.". 就像“给我所有包含单词'House'标记为'NN',然后单词'V'的文档”。 I couldn't find a way to index these sub-structures with native Lucene functionality. 我找不到用本地Lucene功能为这些子结构建立索引的方法。

What i tried to do to at least be able to search for words and their tags is the following: In my Lucene index, a document doesn't represent a whole page, but only a word/token with it's tags. 我试图至少能够搜索单词及其标签的方法如下:在我的Lucene索引中,文档不代表整个页面,而仅代表单词/标记及其标签。 So one index document looks like this (expressed in JSON syntax for readability): 因此,一个索引文档如下所示(为了便于阅读,以JSON语法表示):

    "token" : "house",
    "tag" : "NN",
    "tag" : "NN_P",
    "index" : 1,
    "pageId" : "5622c29eef86d3c2f23fd62c"

... Yes, Lucene allows me to use one field multiple times. ...是的,Lucene允许我多次使用一个字段。 So now i can search for a word and it's tags and get a reference to the page object in my DB via it's ID. 因此,现在我可以搜索一个单词及其标签,并通过它的ID获取对DB对象的引用。 But this is pretty ugly for two reasons: I now have two completely different document representations (DB and Lucene index) and to process a complex query like the one i mentioned above i'd have to query for the word and it's tag and then further check the context of the hits in the retrieved documents manually. 但这很丑陋,原因有两个:我现在有两个完全不同的文档表示形式(DB和Lucene索引),并且要像我上面提到的那样处理一个复杂的查询,我必须先查询单词及其标签,然后再查询手动检查检索到的文档中的匹配内容。

So my question is: Is there a way to index documents in Lucene containing fields/properties whose values are nested objects that in turn have certain properties? 所以我的问题是:有没有一种方法可以在Lucene中索引包含字段/属性的文档,这些字段/属性的值是嵌套对象,这些嵌套对象又具有某些属性?

Is there a way to index documents in Lucene containing fields/properties whose values are nested objects that in turn have certain properties? 有没有一种方法可以在Lucene中索引包含字段/属性的文档,这些字段/属性的值是嵌套对象,而嵌套对象又具有某些属性?

Elasticsearch certainly lets you do this. Elasticsearch当然可以让您做到这一点。 I think it's possible to do all of it in pure lucene, but may be some effort. 我认为有可能在纯Lucene中进行所有操作,但可能需要一些努力。

Basically, you need to use the 'nested' query: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-nested-query.html 基本上,您需要使用“嵌套”查询: https : //www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/query-dsl-nested-query.html

PUT /my_index
    "mappings": {
        "type1" : {
            "properties" : {
                "tokens" : {
                    "type" : "nested"

This tells ES to index the contents of this field as a list of separate documents, allowing you to query them individually using the 'nested' query: 这告诉ES将该字段的内容索引为单独文档的列表,从而使您可以使用“嵌套”查询分别查询它们:

GET my_index/_search
  "query": {
    "nested": {
      "path": "tokens",
      "query": {
        "bool": {
          "must": [
            { "match": { "tokens.form": "house" }},
            { "match": { "tokens.tags":  "NN" }} 

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