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KafkaError与Confluent Python Kafka使用者不支持的压缩编解码器0x3

[英]KafkaError Unsupported compression codec 0x3 with Confluent Python Kafka consumer

I set up Confluent Python Kafka consumer on my laptop (Ubuntu 17) and everything is fine, I can listen to remote topics and receive messages. 我在笔记本电脑(Ubuntu 17)上安装了Confluent Python Kafka消费者,一切都很好,我可以收听远程主题并接收消息。

But when I try to set it up on a server (Ubuntu 16), there is what seems to be a compression issue. 但是,当我尝试在服务器(Ubuntu 16)上进行设置时,似乎存在压缩问题。 The data comes from Divolte and is compressed with LZ4. 数据来自Divolte,并使用LZ4压缩。

The data is received successfully without any error when first connecting to a topic, but after closing and re-opening the consumer, a first message is received and an error is thrown: 首次连接到主题时,数据已成功接收,没有任何错误,但是在关闭并重新打开使用者后,会收到第一条消息并引发错误:

<cimpl.Message object at 0x7f089db67180>
KafkaError{code=_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,val=-170,str="Unsupported compression codec 0x3"}

I think it's not from Divolte data source but more like a message from Kafka, but I cannot read its value since the error happens before (msg is printed and then we jump to elif for the error): 我认为它不是来自Divolte数据源,而更像是来自Kafka的消息,但是由于错误发生在之前,所以我无法读取它的值(先打印msg,然后跳转到elif出现错误):

c = Consumer({'bootstrap.servers': server['server'], 'group.id': 'mygroup',
              'default.topic.config': {'auto.offset.reset': 'smallest'}})
running = True
while running:
    msg = c.poll()
    if not msg.error():
        msg_value = msg.value()
    elif msg.error().code() != KafkaError._PARTITION_EOF:
        running = False

Sounds like this problem which should be fixed in 0.10.0 or higher 听起来像是这个问题,应该将其固定为0.10.0或更高

https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-3160 https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-3160


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