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在Zend Framework 2 Expressive中显示Flash消息的正确方法是什么

[英]What is the correct way to show flash message in Zend Framework 2 Expressive

I'd like to setup flash message(slim/flash). 我想设置Flash消息(超薄/ Flash)。 I saw the reference here . 我在这里看到了参考。 I made the following middleware to register flash message. 我制作了以下中间件来注册Flash消息。

use Interop\Http\ServerMiddleware\DelegateInterface;
use Zend\Diactoros\Response\RedirectResponse;

function($request, DelegateInterface $delegate)
    $flash = $request->getAttribute('flash');
    $flash->addMessage('message', 'Hello World!');

    return new RedirectResponse('/other-middleware');

and the question is how to get this flash message from view templates? 问题是如何从视图模板获取此Flash消息? The reference wrote here but I'm not sure where should I put this code and how to show the flash. 参考资料写在这里,但我不确定该将代码放在哪里以及如何显示闪光灯。

use Interop\Http\ServerMiddleware\DelegateInterface;

function($request, DelegateInterface $delegate)
    $flash = $request->getAttribute('flash');
    $messages = $flash->getMessages();
    // ...

Thank you for your help. 谢谢您的帮助。

The hint is in sentence below that block of code: 提示在该代码块下方的句子中:

From there, it's a matter of providing the flash messages to your template. 从那里,只需向模板提供Flash消息即可。

You need pass $messages to your view script in order to be able to render them. 您需要将$messages给您的视图脚本,以便能够呈现它们。 Something like: 就像是:

return new HtmlResponse(
    ['messages' => $messages]

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