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[英]How to Pass Textbox Value from One Page to another?

I have 3 Files. 我有3个文件。

index.html code.gs and display.html index.html code.gsdisplay.html

index.html 的index.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
                font-family:    Tahoma;
                font-size:      13px;
                font-weight:    normal;

<base target="_top">
   function displayMessage() {
        var searchTerm;
        searchTerm = document.getElementById('idSrchTerm').value;
        console.log('searchTerm: ' + searchTerm );

          function handleResults(results){      
         var length=results.length;
             var table = document.getElementById("output");
             var count = document.getElementById("count");

         for(var i=0;i<length;i++)

         var item=results[i];

     count.innerHTML = "Total Records Found : " + length;
     table.innerHTML  +="</br><a href='"+item[1]+"' target='_blank'>"+item[0]+"</a></br>  <B>Owner: </B>" +item[3]+ "   </br><B>Last modified: </B>"+item[2]+ "  </br> <B>File Size: </B>"+item[4]+"</br>";


function clearBox(elementID)
    document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "";
     document.getElementById("count").innerHTML = "";


table, th, td {
    border: 1px solid black;



 <div class="container">

    <p class = "my_text"><input type="text" id="idSrchTerm" name="search" class = "my_text" >
    <input type="button" value="Search Drive" name="submitButton" class = "my_text" onClick="clearBox(); displayMessage();" />
<?var url = getScriptUrl();?><a target="_blank" href='<?=url?>?page=display'><input type="button" value="Open In New Tab" name="submitButton" class = "my_text" onClick="clearBox(); displayMessage();" value='display.html'/></a>


<div id = "count" class = "my_text">

<div id ="output" class = "my_text">


code.gs code.gs

  var scriptProperties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties();

function doGet(e) {

   Logger.log( Utilities.jsonStringify(e) );
  if (!e.parameter.page) {
    return HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile('index').evaluate();
  return HtmlService.createTemplateFromFile(e.parameter['page']).evaluate();
return HtmlService.createHtmlOutputFromFile('display');

function getScriptUrl() {
  var url = ScriptApp.getService().getUrl();
 return url;

function SearchFiles(searchTerm) {
  var searchFor ="fullText contains '" + searchTerm + "'"; //single quotes are needed around searchterm

 var userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
 userProperties.setProperty('SQuery', searchTerm);

 var userProperties = PropertiesService.getUserProperties();
 var SQuery = userProperties.getProperty('SQuery');

  var names = [];
  var files = DriveApp.searchFiles(searchFor); 
    var searchQ = searchTerm;
  while (files.hasNext()) {
    var file = files.next();
    var fileId = file.getId();// To get FileId of the file
    var lm = file.getLastUpdated();
    var OType = file.getOwner().getName();
    var fsize = file.getSize()
    var name = file.getName()+"|~|"+file.getUrl()+"|~|"+lm+"|~|"+OType+"|~|"+fsize+"|~|"+searchQ; // Im concatenating the filename with file id separated by |~|
    names.push(name); // adding to the array
  return names; // return results


// Process the form
function processForm(searchTerm) {
  var resultToReturn;
  Logger.log('processForm was called! ' + searchTerm);
  resultToReturn  = SearchFiles(searchTerm); 
  Logger.log('resultToReturn: ' + resultToReturn);
  return resultToReturn; // return the results

display.html display.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
                font-family:    Tahoma;
                font-size:      13px;
                font-weight:    normal;

<base target="_top">
   function displayMessage() {
        var searchTerm;
        searchTerm = document.getElementById('idSrchTerm').value;
        console.log('searchTerm: ' + searchTerm );

          function handleResults(results){      
         var length=results.length;
             var table = document.getElementById("output");
             var count = document.getElementById("count");

         for(var i=0;i<length;i++)

         var item=results[i];

     count.innerHTML = "Total Records Found : " + length;
     table.innerHTML  +="</br><a href='"+item[1]+"' target='_blank'>"+item[0]+"</a></br>  <B>Owner: </B>" +item[3]+ "   </br><B>Last modified: </B>"+item[2]+ "  </br> <B>File Size: </B>"+item[4]+"</br>";


function clearBox(elementID)
    document.getElementById("output").innerHTML = "";
     document.getElementById("count").innerHTML = "";


table, th, td {
    border: 1px solid black;


<body onload ="clearBox(); displayMessage();">

 <div class="container">

    <p class = "my_text">

    <input type="text" id="idSrchTerm" name="search" class = "my_text" value = "outing" >


<div id = "count" class = "my_text">

<div id ="output" class = "my_text">


actually the output of index.html and output.html are the same they have textbox and the other one has a button. 实际上index.htmloutput.html的输出与文本框相同,另一个有按钮。 This code is working my only proble here is how can I pass textbox value from index.html to textbox value of display.html 这段代码工作我唯一的问题是如何将textbox valueindex.html传递到display.html textbox value

This is what index.html looks like 这就是index.html样子


and this is what display.html looks like 这就是display.html样子


my only target here is to pass textbox value from one site to another and from that I can run my code <body onload> Thats all i need pass textbox value from another textbox from other site TYSM for help 我唯一的目标是将文本框值从一个站点传递到另一个站点,然后从中我可以运行我的代码<body onload>这就是我需要从其他站点TYSM的另一个文本框中传递文本框值来寻求帮助

Ty local storage Ty本地存储

save the variable 保存变量


Get the value 获得价值


You can send data via link, example: 您可以通过链接发送数据,例如:

window.location.href = "output.html?" + encodeURIComponent('blah blah bla')

and you can retrive data in output.html 你可以在output.html中检索数据

var data = decodeURIComponent(window.location.search.substr(1))

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