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Google Cloud Storage / Big Query成本估算

[英]Google Cloud Storage/Big Query cost estimation

I'm trying to estimate the total monthly cost of my Google Cloud program. 我正在尝试估算Google Cloud计划的每月总费用。

What my program does is that it loads the input file from the Amazon S3 server into Google's Cloud Storage platform. 我的程序所做的是它将输入文件从Amazon S3服务器加载到Google的云存储平台。 It then uses this imported data to create a table in Google BigQuery and later exports the created table back into Cloud Storage in the JSON format. 然后,它使用此导入的数据在Google BigQuery中创建表,然后将创建的表以JSON格式导出回云存储。

Say I have a file that is 50 GB in size and it resides in Amazon S3. 假设我有一个50 GB的文件,它驻留在Amazon S3中。

My program would import this 50 GB data file into Cloud Storage, Load it into a table in BigQuery and finally export it back to Cloud Storage. 我的程序会将这个50 GB的数据文件导入云存储,将其加载到BigQuery的表中,最后将其导出回云存储。

I've estimated the 50 GB file to contain 600,000,000 (600M) rows. 我估计50 GB的文件包含600,000,000(600M)行。

In the Google Price Calculator for cloud storage: 在用于云存储的Google价格计算器中:

I've put the 'Storage Data' field to 100 GB (50 GB input file, 50 GB exported file). 我将“存储数据”字段设置为100 GB(50 GB输入文件,50 GB导出文件)。

I have set the 'Entity Reads' field (assuming that each entity is a row in my table) to 600,000,000 (A read operation has to be performed to load the data into BigQuery) 我已将“实体读取”字段(假设每个实体都是我的表中的一行)设置为600,000,000(必须执行读取操作才能将数据加载到BigQuery中)

And finally, I have set the 'Entity Write' field to 1,200,000,000 (One write operation when importing the data into Cloud Storage from S3 and the other one when exporting the data from BigQuery) 最后,我将“实体写入”字段设置为1,200,000,000(从S3导入数据到云存储时进行一次写入操作,从BigQuery导出数据时进行另一次写入操作)

This gives me a $2,530.52 monthly cost estimate which I find to be quite high for a 50 GB data file. 这给了我每月2,530.52美元的成本估算,对于50 GB的数据文件,我发现这个数字相当高。

What I'd like to know is whether I have got the estimation values right? 我想知道的是我的估算值是否合适?

Also apart from the Cloud Storage costs, what other costs will I incur for my program? 除了云存储成本之外,我还会为我的计划带来哪些其他成本? (As I'm using the Google Cloud Transfer services as well) (因为我也在使用Google Cloud Transfer服务)

Not sure what page you filled in but there is no field like Entity Reads on the BigQuery page. 不确定您填写了哪个页面,但BigQuery页面上没有像Entity Reads这样的字段。

Here is the calculation for: 这是以下计算:

Storage 100 GB
Streaming Inserts 0 MB
Queries 10 TB
Total Estimated Cost: $47.00 per 1 month 

https://cloud.google.com/products/calculator/#id=b395df1a-1fa8-4e7d-9dce-8a1a578916a8 https://cloud.google.com/products/calculator/#id=b395df1a-1fa8-4e7d-9dce-8a1a578916a8

Please note that load/export from/to file is free, you just need to pay the storage of the file. 请注意,从/到文件的加载/导出是免费的,您只需要支付文件的存储空间。

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