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[英]Wit.ai node package buggy

I was working with wit.ai today. 我今天正在与wit.ai合作。 I was using the node-wit module. 我正在使用node-wit模块。 But the responses I was acting were very weird. 但是我的反应很奇怪。

When I used the node-wit module. 当我使用node-wit模块时。 I got the response as - 我得到的答复是-

    "msg_id": "0f4rOWRXQMIhVuf5i",
    "_text": "what is your name",
    "entities": {
        "intent": [{
            "confidence": 0.9425254893432,
            "value": "get_name"

Whereas when i used the cURL command to get the response the response was very different. 而当我使用cURL命令获取响应时,响应却大不相同。

    "msg_id": "0KJdIPedYbYwWOgOL",
    "_text": "what do you do",
    "entities": {
        "intent": [{
            "confidence": 0.97713342030998,
            "value": "get_job"

Can anyone tell why this is happening or if I am implementing the function wrong? 谁能说出这种情况发生的原因,或者我执行的函数是否错误?

Are you using the same service, there are two services, one for conversations/stories and other for messages. 您是否使用相同的服务,有两种服务,一种用于对话/故事,另一种用于消息。

if that is not the reason try to check the context and take a look on the log section inside wit.ai web app 如果不是这个原因,请尝试检查上下文并查看wit.ai Web应用程序内的日志部分


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