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处理Numpy ndarray时使用Cython提高速度

[英]Improving speed with Cython when dealing with Numpy ndarray

I'm testing Cython performance when a numpy ndarray is changed based on whether the sum of the i-th and j-th indices are even or odd. 我正在根据第i个索引和第j个索引的总和是偶数还是奇数来更改numpy ndarray时的Cython性能。 Compared to Python, the Cython speed is merely 80% faster, which is somewhat of a mediocre gain in speed. 与Python相比,Cython速度仅快80%,这在速度上有些中等。 I've ran out of ideas at the moment. 目前,我的想法已用尽。 Any suggestions? 有什么建议么?

@Python: @蟒蛇:

def even_odd_function(matrix):

    dim = matrix.shape[1]

    for i in range(dim):
        for j in range(dim):
            if (i + j) % 2 == 0:
                matrix[i, j] = matrix[i, j] ** 2
                matrix[i, j] = matrix[i, j] * -1

    return matrix

@Cython: @Cython:


import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython

DTYPE = np.int
ctypedef np.int DTYPE_t

def even_odd_function7(np.ndarray matrix):

    cdef int dim = matrix.shape[1]
    cdef int i
    cdef int j

    for i in range(dim):
        for j in range(dim):
            if (i + j) % 2 == 0:
                matrix[i, j] = matrix[i, j] * matrix[i, j]
                matrix[i, j] = matrix[i, j] * -1

    return matrix

Here are the highlighted lines: 以下是突出显示的行: 在此处输入图片说明

You need to annotate the type of your array for the major speedup. 您需要注释阵列的类型以加快速度。

import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np
cimport cython

def even_odd_function8(np.ndarray[np.float64_t, ndim=2] matrix):

    cdef int dim = matrix.shape[1]
    cdef int i
    cdef int j

    for i in range(dim):
        for j in range(dim):
            if (i + j) % 2 == 0:
                matrix[i, j] = matrix[i, j] * matrix[i, j]
                matrix[i, j] = matrix[i, j] * -1

    return matrix

In [20]: arr = np.random.randn(1000, 1000)

In [21]: %timeit even_odd_function(arr)
1 loop, best of 3: 636 ms per loop

In [22]: %timeit even_odd_function7(arr)
1 loop, best of 3: 480 ms per loop

In [24]: %timeit even_odd_function8(arr)
1000 loops, best of 3: 1.61 ms per loop

Largely a stylistic thing, but I prefer the newer typed memoryview syntax, which will do the same thing. 在很大程度上是一种风格,但是我更喜欢较新的typed memoryview语法,它将执行相同的操作。

def even_odd_function(np.float64_t[:,:] matrix)

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