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[英]Gtest: how to return different string value based on an increasing number every time in the expect_call?

const std::wstring tesName[3] = { L"Final", L"Partial", L"Best"};

My gtest will call a function GetName() hundreds of times.我的 gtest 将调用 function GetName()数百次。 So I hope that the mocked function of GetName() can return like this:所以我希望GetName()的嘲笑 function 可以像这样返回:

int i = 0;
EXPECT_CALL(*my_mock, GetName()).Times(AtLeast(1)).WillRepeatedly(Return(tesName[(i++)%3]));

It can always returns the name comes from the array tesName from Final to Partial to Best then start from Final again.它总是可以返回名称来自数组tesNameFinalPartialBest然后再次从Final开始。 But the above code deson't work.但是上面的代码不起作用。 How could I do that?我怎么能那样做?

No matter i is a local variable or a member variable of my gtest class, above code doesn't work.无论 i 是我的 gtest class 的局部变量还是成员变量,上面的代码都不起作用。

In gmock document:在 gmock 文档中:

using testing::ReturnPointee;
 int x = 0;
MockFoo foo;
EXPECT_CALL(foo, GetValue())
  .WillRepeatedly(ReturnPointee(&x));  // Note the & here.
x = 42;
EXPECT_EQ(42, foo.GetValue());  // This will succeed now.

But I don't know how to apply it to my case.但我不知道如何将它应用到我的案例中。

If you know beforehand the number of times n the method should be called, you can do something like this:如果您事先知道应该调用该方法的次数,则n执行以下操作:

  InSequence s;

  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    EXPECT_CALL(*my_mock, GetName())
        .WillOnce(Return(tesName[i % 3]))

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