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AngularJS 1.6.x组件包含范围问题

[英]AngularJS 1.6.x Component Transclude Scope Issue

How to do get access to the parent binding in my child transclude usage? 如何获得对我孩子的父级绑定的访问权限?

Parent Component: 父组件:

<div class="wizard-container" ng-animate="transitionClass">
            <ol class="cd-breadcrumb  triangle align-center align-item">
                <li ng-repeat="breadCrumb in vm.breadcrumbs track by $index" ng-class="{ current: $index + 1 === vm.page}" >
                    <em><i class="fa {{breadCrumb.icon}}" aria-hidden="true"></i>{{breadCrumb.title}}


Here is the wizard Controller: 这是向导控制器:

app.controller('wizardController', wizardController);
wizardController.$inject = ['$scope', '$compile'];

function wizardController($scope, $compile) {
    var vm = this;
    vm.page = 1;
    vm.next = true;
    vm.previous = false;

    vm.nextPage = function () {
        vm.page < vm.breadcrumbs.length ? vm.page += 1 : vm.page;

        vm.next = true;
        vm.previous = false;

    vm.previousPage = function () {
        vm.page > 1 ? vm.page -= 1 : vm.page;

        vm.previous = true;
        vm.next = false;

    vm.submit = function () {
        vm.page = 1;

        vm.next = true;
        vm.previous = false;


app.component("wizard", {
    template: require('./wizard.component.html'),
    controllerAs: "vm",
    controller: wizardController,
    bindings: {
        breadcrumbs: '<',
        wizardPages: '<',
        page: '='
    transclude: true

Here is the usage: 这是用法:

<wizard breadcrumbs="vm.breadcrumbs" wizard-pages="vm.wizardPages" page="1">
    <div ng-if="vm.page === 1" ng-class="{ 'next': vm.next, 'previous': vm.previous  }">


How do I get access to vm.page that gets set by the wizard(parent) component? 我如何访问由向导(父)组件设置的vm.page? Right now vm.page, vm.next, and vm.previous are not updating properly. 目前,vm.page,vm.next和vm.previous无法正确更新。

I'm not sure if I did understand you correctly. 我不确定我是否正确理解了您。

If you want to get access to a parent component add require to a child component like this: 如果要访问父组件,请向子组件添加require,如下所示:

require: { parentComponent: '^^' }

Then you should get access to these data: 然后,您应该可以访问以下数据:


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