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[英]Bash variable escaping in a Jenkinsfile

I am trying the following: 我正在尝试以下方法:

sh '''
    changelog=$(git log `git describe --tags --abbrev=0 HEAD^`..HEAD --oneline)
    curl --data '{"\tag_name\": \\"v0.0.${BUILD_NUMBER}\\",\"target_commitish\": \"master\",\"name\": \\"Release v0.0.$BUILD_NUMBER\\",\"body\": \\"$changelog\\",\"draft\": false,\"prerelease\": false}' https://****/api/v3/repos/****/****/releases?access_token=$JENKINS_ACCESS_TOKEN_PSW

Basically I want to include "dynamic" values for tag , name and body which are taken using the Jenkins build number ( $BUILD_NUMBER ) and a bash variable containing the result of git log ( changelog ). 基本上,我想包括使用Jenkins内部版本号( $BUILD_NUMBER )和包含git log结果的bash变量( changelog )获取的tagnamebody “动态”值。

I've made all sort of single and double quotes and other escaping changes that I am not sure anymore how it should be. 我已经进行了各种单引号和双引号以及其他转义的更改,这些更改我现在不确定应该如何。

This currently fails with: 当前,此操作失败并显示:

curl: (6) Could not resolve host: variable curl:(6)无法解析主机:变量
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: escaping curl:(6)无法解析主机:转义
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: 9a21d71 curl:(6)无法解析主机:9a21d71
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: more curl:(6)无法解析主机:更多
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: escaping curl:(6)无法解析主机:转义
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: attempts curl:(6)无法解析主机:尝试
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: 708ed0f curl:(6)无法解析主机:708ed0f
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: more curl:(6)无法解析主机:更多
curl: (6) Could not resolve host: escaping' curl:(6)无法解析主机:转义'

It can't handle the contents inside the changelog variable. 它无法处理changelog变量中的内容。

The challenge here is not just to properly escape the quotes when dynamically generating a string, but also to ensure that the result is a valid JSON. 这里的挑战不仅是在动态生成字符串时正确地转义引号,而且还要确保结果是有效的JSON。 For example in your case changelog may contain newlines and quotes and, when it is expanded into the "body": "$changelog" part of your POST data, those characters must be properly escaped. 例如,在您的情况下, changelog可能包含换行符和引号,并且在将其扩展为POST数据的"body": "$changelog"部分时,必须正确转义那些字符。

To this end use the jq utility to generate the POST JSON data as explained in the answer to a similar question : 为此,使用jq实用程序来生成POST JSON数据,如对类似问题回答中所述:

sh '''
    changelog=$(git log `git describe --tags --abbrev=0 HEAD^`..HEAD --oneline)
    jq -n --arg tagname "v0.0.$BUILD_NUMBER"      \
          --arg name "Release v0.0.$BUILD_NUMBER" \
          --arg body "$changelog"                 \
          '{"tag_name": $tagname, "target_commitish": "master", "name": $name, "body": $body, "draft": false, "prerelease": false}'  |
    curl -d@- https://****/api/v3/repos/****/****/releases?access_token=$JENKINS_ACCESS_TOKEN_PSW

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