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[英]Selecting a value from android resource

In javascript, we can conditionally select a value from a object using a variable as, 在javascript中,我们可以使用变量有条件地从对象中选择一个值,

var myObj = {"a": "Val1", "b": "Val2", "c": "Val3"};
var key = "a";
var val = myObj[key];

What is the similar method to select the value from a string resource file in android using variable string name? 使用可变字符串名称从android中的字符串资源文件中选择值的相似方法是什么?

We can select a string as R.string.mystring in android and from a java public class 我们可以从Android和Java公共类中选择一个字符串作为R.string.mystring

public class myarray {
    public static final String test = "Test";    
    public myarray(){    

as String val = myarray.test; String val = myarray.test; but we wanted a method something similar to above javascript. 但我们想要一种类似于上述javascript的方法。

A translation of your javascript code is the following: 您的javascript代码的翻译如下:

HashMap<String, String> myObj = new HashMap<String, String>();
String key = "a";
String value = myObj.get(key);

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