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将流程附加到Visual Studio 2013中的调试器

[英]Attach process to debugger in Visual Studio 2013

I'm trying to create a shortcut/menu item for attaching a specific process to the debugger in Visual Studio 2013. 我正在尝试创建一个快捷方式/菜单项,用于将特定进程附加到Visual Studio 2013中的调试器。

As I understood macros are no longer available from 2012 to do it. 据我了解,从2012年起不再可以使用宏了。

I'm also not interested in doing it from the code using Debugger.Launch() method or through the registry like mentioned here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/a329t4ed(v=vs.100).aspx 我也对使用Debugger.Launch()方法或通过注册表进行的代码操作不感兴趣,例如: https//msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/a329t4ed(v = vs.100 )的.aspx

I just want the user the have a menu item in VS that he can click on whenever he wants to attach the process to the debugger. 我只希望用户在VS中有一个菜单项,只要他要将流程附加到调试器,就可以单击该菜单项。

What options do I have? 我有什么选择?

I prefer to write something on my own, but if I must use a plugin, let it be. 我更喜欢自己写东西,但是如果我必须使用插件,那就顺其自然。

Thanks 谢谢

您可以尝试reattach ,它允许再次附加到上次调试的应用程序。

If so, I think one better suggestion is that reuse your existing Visual Studio macros in your current VS. 如果是这样,我认为一个更好的建议是在当前VS中重用您现有的Visual Studio宏。

You could install the Visual Commander in your latest VS version. 您可以在最新的VS版本中安装Visual Commander。

https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SergeyVlasov.VisualCommander https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=SergeyVlasov.VisualCommander

Reference: 参考:

Visual Studio - Attach to process shortcut Visual Studio-附加到进程快捷方式

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